Princess Zelda’s Evolution in Tears of the Kingdom: A Deep Dive

Princess Zelda’s Evolution in Tears of the Kingdom: A Deep Dive


Princess Zelda’s journey in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a captivating tale of growth, resilience, and newfound power. We explore her character development, the significance of her new hairstyle, her pivotal role in rebuilding Hyrule, and the impact of her past on her present decisions. With Dragon Tear cutscenes and a dynamic world, players witness Zelda’s transformation into one of the most powerful Princess Zeldas in history. Join us on a journey through time and character in this Breath of the Wild sequel.

Princess Zelda’s Evolution

A recent issue of Nintendo Dream contained a new developer interview for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, shedding light on Princess Zelda’s journey. In this article, we embark on a deep dive into her character development, the significance of her new hairstyle, her pivotal role in rebuilding Hyrule, her growth and powers, and the impact of the past on her present decisions. Let’s unravel the layers of Princess Zelda’s evolution in this highly-anticipated Breath of the Wild sequel.

Princess Zelda’s Character Development

Princess Zelda’s character development in Tears of the Kingdom is a central focus of the game’s narrative. Unlike Link’s perspective, Zelda’s story unfolds from a separate point of view. In the previous game, Breath of the Wild, Zelda grappled with feelings of worthlessness due to unmet expectations. However, in this sequel, she has overcome her inner turmoil and is determined to find her purpose in the post-Calamity world. This article delves into the practical imaginings of Zelda’s life since the events of Breath of the Wild.

The Significance of Zelda’s New Hairstyle

One striking change in Princess Zelda’s appearance is her shortened hair. Director Hidemaro Fujibayashi suggests that this change reflects her life in Hyrule. After the battle with the Calamity, Zelda actively participates in restoring the livelihoods of the people, leading her to opt for a more practical hairstyle. Throughout the game, players can discover subtle hints that showcase Zelda’s growth and transformation.

Zelda’s Role in Rebuilding Hyrule

Zelda’s commitment to rebuilding Hyrule is a testament to her character. She engages in humanitarian aid efforts to help the people affected by the Calamity’s devastation. This section explores the significance of her role in revitalizing the land and her determination to make a difference.

Zelda’s Growth and Powers

In Tears of the Kingdom, Princess Zelda is portrayed as one of the most powerful iterations of the character in history. Her journey involves facing hurdles, learning from her ancestors, and ultimately gaining control of her powers. Dragon Tear cutscenes provide a glimpse into her growth, making her a formidable figure by the end of the game.

Zelda’s journey takes her back in time, where she encounters a kind father figure and an experienced mother figure. This encounter shapes her character and influences her choices in the present. The Dragon Tear cutscenes serve as a window into how she learns and grows from these experiences.

Time Passage in Tears of the Kingdom

Tears of the Kingdom presents a world where time continues to flow, even without the presence of the main character, Link. This section discusses how the game portrays the passage of time for all characters, creating a dynamic and immersive narrative experience.


Princess Zelda’s evolution in Tears of the Kingdom is a captivating journey filled with growth, power, and resilience. As players explore her character development, the significance of her new hairstyle, her role in rebuilding Hyrule, and her inner strength, they witness a remarkable transformation. Tears of the Kingdom not only builds on the legacy of Breath of the Wild but also crafts a compelling narrative that showcases Zelda as a truly iconic character in the gaming world.

  • Q1: What sets Princess Zelda’s character development in Tears of the Kingdom apart from previous games?
    • A1: Princess Zelda’s character development in Tears of the Kingdom takes a unique path, focusing on her journey to find her purpose in a post-Calamity Hyrule, which differs from her struggles in Breath of the Wild.
  • Q2: How does Zelda’s new hairstyle contribute to her character’s evolution?
    • A2: Zelda’s new hairstyle reflects her active role in humanitarian efforts and symbolizes her growth and transformation throughout the game.
  • Q3: Can you explain the significance of Dragon Tear cutscenes in Zelda’s growth?
    • A3: Dragon Tear cutscenes provide insights into Zelda’s development, as they depict her learning from her ancestors and gaining control over her powers.
  • Q4: How does Tears of the Kingdom handle the passage of time for characters in the game?
    • A4: The game portrays a world where time continues to flow, even without Link. Characters’ dialogue changes to reflect the evolving circumstances, creating an immersive experience.
  • Q5: What makes Princess Zelda’s character in Tears of the Kingdom stand out as one of the most powerful in the series?
    • A5: Princess Zelda’s journey, growth, and mastery of her powers in Tears of the Kingdom contribute to her being one of the most powerful iterations of the character in the Zelda series.