Releasedate Okami HD

Releasedate Okami HD

Nintendo fans may already know Okami from the Wii. Okami is a classic, which first appeared on PlayStation 2 in 2006, and he gets an HD remake on Nintendo Switch.

In this scenic adventure, handheld players can use the touch screen to use the Celestial Brush to defeat enemies and solve puzzles. In TV and table mode the touch screen will make room for the precise movements of the Joy-Con motion control.

Okami HD Release

The Okami Twitter account has revealed when we can get started with the remake. Okami HD will be available in the eShop from August 9th.

The trailer below appeared before and gives you an impression of what you can expect from this adventure.


Are you going to play with Okami for the first time or for the umpteenth time?