Sakurai teased Super Smash Bros. Ultimate years ago?

Sakurai teased Super Smash Bros. Ultimate years ago?

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has been in the works for good while now. In fact, it is possible that it may have been in development for so long that Sakurai teased the game in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.

A tease years in advance?

In this game, there is a co-op event called “The Ultimate Battle”. The description reads “they’re all here! Every single fighter! If this battle’s not ‘ultimate’, then what is”?

Of course, as Source Gaming pointed out in the tweet linked down below, it could be nothing more than a coincidence or an unintentional pun. Whatever the reason, all that can be done for the time being is to wait for an official explanation form the man himself.

Well what do you guys think is the case?