Sonic Superstars: Famitsu’s First Review and Implications

Sonic Superstars: Famitsu’s First Review and Implications


The gaming world eagerly awaited the first review of Sonic Superstars in Weekly Famitsu magazine. The four reviewers’ verdict of four 8/10 scores, totaling 32/40, has raised curiosity and discussion. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the significance of Famitsu’s ratings, analyze the Sonic Superstars review, and explore the broader implications for the gaming community. Join us as we uncover the details of this 2D Sonic adventure’s initial reception.

Famitsu on Sonic Superstars

The gaming landscape is constantly evolving, and one publication has remained a cornerstone of the industry for decades – Weekly Famitsu magazine. Gamers and developers alike eagerly anticipate its reviews, and this week’s issue, number 1819, holds a special gem – the first published review of Sonic Superstars.

Before we dive into the specifics of Sonic Superstars, let’s understand Famitsu’s unique rating system. Unlike the Western 10-point scale, Famitsu employs a 40-point system. Four reviewers independently rate games on a scale of 1 to 10, and their scores are then totaled, with the maximum score being 40.

Sonic Superstars, the latest addition to the Sonic franchise, is a 2D adventure that had fans eagerly awaiting its release. The blue blur’s return to his roots in 2D platforming promised nostalgia and excitement.

Famitsu Review Scores

In issue 1819, four reviewers tackled Sonic Superstars. Each awarded the game a respectable 8/10, resulting in a total score of 32/40. While this score might raise eyebrows among Sonic fans, it’s essential to understand Famitsu’s grading curve. Famitsu is renowned for its strict reviewing standards, and an 8/10 signifies a solid game.

The 32/40 score might not be the highest we’ve seen in Famitsu, but it’s far from a condemnation. It’s vital to dissect the individual scores and comments to grasp what the reviewers appreciated and where Sonic Superstars may have room for improvement.

The Famitsu Impact

Famitsu’s reviews hold immense sway over the gaming community in Japan and beyond. Positive reviews can propel a game to stardom, while negative ones might prompt developers to reevaluate their titles.

While Famitsu’s review provides valuable insights, it’s crucial to remember that an embargo is in place. Gamers and critics alike are eagerly awaiting further reviews and player feedback to form a comprehensive opinion on Sonic Superstars.

Community Reactions

The gaming community is abuzz with discussions and speculations following Famitsu’s review. Sonic fans are vocal, and their reactions to this initial assessment are diverse and passionate. Sonic the Hedgehog is a gaming icon, and Sonic Superstars has the potential to define the franchise’s future. This game’s reception could influence the direction Sega takes with the blue blur.


In conclusion, Famitsu’s review of Sonic Superstars with its four 8/10 scores, totaling 32/40, is a promising start for the game. It’s a testament to Sonic’s enduring appeal. As the embargo lifts and more reviews surface, the gaming world will gain a clearer picture of this 2D adventure’s impact.

  • 1. What is Weekly Famitsu magazine?
    • Weekly Famitsu is a renowned Japanese gaming magazine known for its comprehensive game reviews and industry insights. It holds substantial influence in the gaming community.
  • 2. How does Famitsu’s rating system work?
    • Famitsu’s rating system employs four reviewers, each assigning a score out of 10. These scores are then added up to provide a total out of 40, with 40 being the highest possible score.
  • 3. Why is Famitsu’s review of Sonic Superstars important?
    • Famitsu’s review is significant because it provides an initial assessment of Sonic Superstars’ quality and potential reception, influencing gamers’ expectations.
  • 4. What do the four 8/10 scores mean for Sonic Superstars?
    • The four 8/10 scores indicate a solid and promising start for Sonic Superstars. Famitsu’s stringent reviewing standards make an 8/10 a respectable score.
  • 5. How might Famitsu’s review impact the gaming community and Sonic Superstars’ future?
    • Famitsu’s review can shape players’ expectations and affect the game’s commercial success. Positive reviews can boost sales and bolster a game’s reputation within the industry.