Soulvars: Unleash Your Deckbuilding Skills in June

Soulvars: Unleash Your Deckbuilding Skills in June


Embark on an unforgettable journey in Soulvars, a captivating deckbuilding RPG that combines the charm of pixel art visuals with modern gameplay mechanics. Set in a world plagued by grotesque Dominators, you’ll step into the shoes of Yakumo, a freelance Soulbearer tasked with countering these monstrous threats. Guided by the Dominator Disposal Organization (DDO), Yakumo and his fellow Soulbears uncover the dark secrets behind these creatures and the perils of unchecked technology. With a deckbuilding combat system, party-based battles, and an immersive narrative, Soulvars promises an action-packed adventure that will enthrall both fans of classic JRPGs and newcomers to the genre.

Prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey as we introduce Soulvars, a captivating deckbuilding RPG that seamlessly merges the nostalgic appeal of pixel art visuals with modern gameplay mechanics. In this thrilling adventure, players will assume the role of Yakumo, a freelance Soulbearer, as he faces the daunting challenge of countering grotesque Dominators that threaten the world. Guided by the Dominator Disposal Organization (DDO), Yakumo and his fellow Soulbears will unravel the dark secrets that lie beneath these menacing creatures and uncover the perils of uncontrolled technology.

The World of Soulvars

Immerse yourself in a world deeply affected by the consequences of unchecked technology. Grotesque Dominators have emerged, wreaking havoc upon humanity. Elite Soulbearers, the next generation of humans born with alternate Souls, have been deployed by the Dominator Disposal Organization to intercept and counter these relentless attacks. The fate of the world rests on their shoulders. Experience the weight of their duty and the dire consequences of a world teetering on the edge.


Deckbuilding Combat System

Soulvars introduces a captivating deckbuilding combat system that combines strategic planning with exhilarating action. As players progress through the game, they collect Soulbits, unique cards that form the foundation of their combat abilities. By expanding their deck and personalizing their Soulbits, players unlock a vast array of attacks, Arts, and Abilities. With over 100 different options to choose from, mastering the perfect deck becomes an integral part of overcoming the challenges that lie ahead.

Party-Based Combat and Customization

In Soulvars, every enemy encountered is a puzzle waiting to be solved. As Yakumo, you will lead a party of skilled Soulbearers into battle, each with their own strengths and abilities. Customizing your party composition is key to success, as different enemy types require specific strategies to be overcome. By identifying enemy weaknesses and coordinating the actions of your Soulbits, you can unleash devastating finishing moves that will leave your foes in awe. With over 200 unique finishing moves to discover, the possibilities for tactical mastery are endless.

Unveiling the Narrative

Prepare to be captivated by the narrative woven within Soulvars. As Yakumo and his fellow Soulbears delve deeper into their mission, they uncover the true dangers of unchecked technology. Secrets lie at every turn, waiting to be unraveled. Learn about the origins of the Dominator Disposal Organization, the driving force behind the fight against the Dominators. Uncover the conspiracies that shroud their existence and gain insight into the intricate web of intrigue that binds this immersive world together.

Language Support

Soulvars is a game that transcends boundaries and embraces players from all corners of the globe. With localization efforts spanning 12 different languages, the game’s interface and subtitles can be enjoyed in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Hindi. This extensive language support ensures that players worldwide can fully immerse themselves in the action-packed adventure of Soulvars, understanding the intricacies of the story, dialogue, and gameplay mechanics in their preferred language. Whether you’re a native English speaker, a passionate French gamer, or someone who prefers playing in your mother tongue, Soulvars has got you covered, breaking language barriers and fostering a truly inclusive gaming experience for players across the globe.


In conclusion, Soulvars stands as a testament to the captivating potential of deckbuilding RPGs. With its unique blend of pixel art visuals, modern gameplay mechanics, and an immersive narrative, this game offers an unrivaled experience for both seasoned fans of classic JRPGs and newcomers to the genre. Step into the shoes of Yakumo, a freelance Soulbearer, and join the Dominator Disposal Organization on a quest to counter the grotesque Dominators plaguing the world. Customize your deck, uncover new abilities, and engage in party-based battles that require strategic planning and precise execution. Explore a world teetering on the edge of technological peril, unveiling its secrets and conspiracies along the way.

With its availability in multiple languages, Soulvars ensures that players from diverse backgrounds can fully engage in the action-packed adventure, enjoying the game’s rich storytelling and immersive gameplay in their preferred language. The support for 12 languages allows players worldwide to embark on this epic journey, overcoming challenges, and unraveling the mysteries that lie within the game.

Prepare to unleash your deckbuilding skills, embrace the power of the Soulbearers, and forge your own destiny in the face of overwhelming odds. The world of Soulvars awaits, ready to captivate and challenge you at every turn.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • 1. Can I play Soulvars on platforms other than the Switch?
    • Answer: At the moment, Soulvars is specifically designed for the Nintendo Switch platform.
  • 2. How can I unlock new Soulbits and expand my deck?
    • Answer: Defeating unique Dominators throughout the game will reward you with rare and powerful gear, allowing you to unlock new Soulbits and expand your deck.
  • 3. Can I switch between different languages in Soulvars?
    • Answer: Yes, Soulvars offers language options in its settings menu, allowing players to select their preferred language for both the interface and subtitles.
  • 4. Are there different difficulty levels in Soulvars?
    • Answer: Yes, Soulvars provides different difficulty options, allowing players to customize their gaming experience based on their skill level.
  • 5. Is there multiplayer functionality in Soulvars?
    • Answer: Unfortunately, Soulvars does not offer multiplayer functionality. It is a single-player experience where you can immerse yourself in the captivating world and storyline.