Splatoon 3 Side Order DLC: A Colorful Journey Awaits

Splatoon 3 Side Order DLC: A Colorful Journey Awaits


Splatoon 3 Side Order DLC introduces players to a captivating adventure featuring Agent 8 and the Spire of Order. With dynamic objectives, color chips customization, and replayability, the DLC promises hours of immersive gameplay. Set to launch on February 22, 2024, accompanied by an exciting overview trailer, this expansion offers both newcomers and veterans a chance to level up their Splatoon skills while exploring new challenges and customization options.

More Side Order DLC Details

Splatoon 3 Side Order DLC marks the latest expansion in the beloved Splatoon series, known for its colorful and innovative gameplay. Building upon the success of its predecessors, the DLC introduces players to a fresh adventure set in the vibrant world of Inkopolis.


Accompanying the announcement of Side Order DLC is an overview trailer that provides a glimpse into the gameplay and features. The trailer showcases the colorful world of Splatoon 3, teases the challenges awaiting players in the Spire of Order, and confirms the launch date of February 22, 2024.

Overview of Agent 8 and the Setting

In Side Order DLC, players assume the role of Agent 8, an Octoling residing in Inkopolis. The storyline unfolds as Agent 8 awakens in a world devoid of color, where the spectrum fades into various shades of gray. Tasked with restoring color to this monochromatic landscape, players embark on a journey to the Spire of Order.

The Spire of Order: Gameplay Mechanics

Central to the DLC experience is the Spire of Order, a towering structure filled with challenges and obstacles. As players ascend the Spire, they encounter dynamic objectives that evolve with each attempt. From defeating enemies to securing specific areas, every floor presents a new test of skill and strategy.

The objectives within the Spire of Order vary, ensuring that gameplay remains fresh and engaging. Players must adapt to changing conditions and overcome a variety of challenges, including timed trials, enemy encounters, and environmental hazards. Success requires quick thinking and precise execution.

Color Chips Customization and Upgrades

A key feature of Side Order DLC is the customization options offered through color chips. These chips can be collected throughout the Spire and used to enhance Agent 8’s abilities. From increased firing speed to enhanced damage output, players can tailor their playstyle to suit their preferences.

Designed for replayability, Side Order DLC encourages players to revisit the Spire of Order and improve their performance over time. Even in defeat, players retain the color chips collected, which can be exchanged for permanent upgrades. This progression system incentivizes continued play and mastery of the game’s mechanics.

Strategies for Success in Side Order DLC

To conquer the challenges of Side Order DLC, players must employ various strategies and tactics. This may involve prioritizing objectives, optimizing color chip usage, and mastering movement and combat techniques. Experimentation and adaptation are key to overcoming the Spire’s trials.

In addition to Agent 8, Side Order DLC introduces players to new characters and expands upon the lore of the Splatoon universe. Of particular note is the presence of a drone claiming to be Pearl from Off the Hook, whose role in the storyline adds intrigue and mystery.

The announcement of Side Order DLC has generated significant excitement and anticipation within the Splatoon community. Fans eagerly await the opportunity to dive into the new content, speculating on its features and discussing potential gameplay strategies.

Comparisons with Previous Splatoon DLCs

Side Order DLC builds upon the foundation established by previous Splatoon expansions, offering a fresh take on the series’ signature gameplay elements. While retaining the core mechanics that fans love, the DLC introduces new challenges and customization options, ensuring a unique and compelling experience.

Developer Insights and Design Philosophy

Behind the creation of Side Order DLC are the developers’ insights and design philosophy, which prioritize innovation, creativity, and player engagement. Through meticulous design and iteration, the developers aim to deliver an experience that resonates with both newcomers and longtime fans of the series.


In conclusion, Splatoon 3 Side Order DLC presents an engaging addition to the Splatoon series, offering players a fresh experience with its innovative gameplay mechanics and customization features. As fans eagerly await its release on February 22, 2024, the DLC promises to elevate the Splatoon experience to new heights, reinforcing Nintendo’s commitment to delivering memorable and enjoyable gaming experiences.

  • 1. What is the premise of Splatoon 3 Side Order DLC?
    • The Splatoon 3 Side Order DLC follows the story of Agent 8, an Octoling residing in Inkopolis, who wakes up in a monochromatic world known as the world of order. In this new environment, Agent 8 must restore color to the landscape by ascending the Spire of Order and overcoming various challenges along the way.
  • 2. How does customization work in the DLC?
    • Customization in the Side Order DLC revolves around the use of color chips collected throughout the Spire of Order. These chips can be used to enhance Agent 8’s abilities, such as increasing firing speed, raising damage output, and more. Players can tailor their gameplay experience by choosing which upgrades to prioritize based on their preferred playstyle.
  • 3. What challenges can players expect in the Spire of Order?
    • The Spire of Order presents players with a series of dynamic objectives that evolve with each attempt. Challenges may include defeating enemies, securing specific areas for a set amount of time, and overcoming other skill-testing obstacles. As players ascend the Spire, objectives become increasingly difficult, testing their strategic thinking and gameplay skills.
  • 4. Are there any new characters introduced in the DLC?
    • Alongside Agent 8, players encounter a drone claiming to be Pearl from Off the Hook, adding an intriguing element to the storyline. While additional characters may be introduced throughout the DLC, Agent 8 and Pearl’s presence play a significant role in driving the narrative forward.
  • 5. How does the DLC compare to previous Splatoon expansions?
    • Splatoon 3 Side Order DLC builds upon the foundation established by previous expansions in the series, offering new gameplay mechanics, challenges, and customization options. While retaining the core elements that fans love, the DLC introduces fresh content and experiences, ensuring both newcomers and veterans have something to enjoy.