Super Mario Bros. Wonder: A New Phase in Mario’s Side-Scrolling Adventures

Super Mario Bros. Wonder: A New Phase in Mario’s Side-Scrolling Adventures


Super Mario Bros. Wonder represents a pivotal moment in the Mario series. This article delves into the game’s significance, Takashi Tezuka’s vision for the future of Mario gaming, insights from art director Masanobu Sato, notable features, and the highly-anticipated release date.

The Significance of Super Mario Bros. Wonder

In the ever-evolving world of video games, where 3D landscapes and open worlds dominate, the return of a side-scrolling Mario adventure is nothing short of remarkable. Super Mario Bros. Wonder, set to launch on October 20, 2023, marks a departure from the well-known New Super Mario Bros. series, bringing Mario back to his roots in a side-scrolling platformer. But why is this a big deal? Let’s explore the significance of this upcoming title.

Transition from New Super Mario Bros. Series

After four successful New Super Mario Bros. titles, fans were left wondering about the future of Mario gaming. Game Informer had the opportunity to interview Super Mario Bros. Wonder producer Takashi Tezuka, and his responses shed light on Nintendo’s direction. Tezuka mentioned that they had transitioned from the New Super Mario Bros. series, signifying a shift in Mario’s gameplay style. 

Tezuka’s Noncommittal Stance

While Tezuka confirmed this transition, he remained cryptic about the next game style. In his own words, I believe that we have transitioned from the New Super Mario Bros. series into a new phase, but at this point, we have no idea what the next game style will be.This statement leaves room for anticipation, making Super Mario Bros. Wonder a gateway to uncharted Mario adventures.

The Bigger Stage for Adventure

Art director Masanobu Sato also chimed in, emphasizing how Super Mario Bros. Wonder sets a grander stage for Mario and his friends. The game promises to expand the horizons of Mario’s adventures, hinting at a more extensive and immersive gaming experience. Sato’s comments fuel excitement about the game’s potential.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder Features

While specific details about the game’s features are limited, we can expect Nintendo’s signature creativity and innovation to shine through. The return to side-scrolling gameplay suggests a blend of nostalgia and modern enhancements. Classic platforming action combined with contemporary graphics and gameplay mechanics could make Super Mario Bros. Wonder an instant classic.

Mark your calendars for October 20, 2023, as that’s when Super Mario Bros. Wonder will make its debut on the Nintendo Switch. This release date is sure to be a moment of celebration for Mario fans worldwide.


In conclusion, Super Mario Bros. Wonder represents a significant shift in the Mario gaming universe. With Takashi Tezuka’s confirmation of a new phase and Masanobu Sato’s promise of a bigger adventure, players have much to look forward to. As we eagerly await the release, the return to side-scrolling gameplay is a nostalgic nod to Mario’s roots while embracing the future of gaming.

  • 1. When will Super Mario Bros. Wonder be released?
    • Super Mario Bros. Wonder is set to launch on October 20, 2023, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.
  • 2. What is the significance of Super Mario Bros. Wonder in the Mario series?
    • Super Mario Bros. Wonder marks a departure from the New Super Mario Bros. series, reintroducing side-scrolling gameplay to the franchise, which is a significant shift in Mario’s gaming style.
  • 3. What insights did Takashi Tezuka provide about the future of Mario games?
    • Takashi Tezuka confirmed the transition from the New Super Mario Bros. series to a new phase in Mario gaming, but he remained tight-lipped about the specifics of the upcoming game style.
  • 4. How does art director Masanobu Sato describe Super Mario Bros. Wonder?
    • Masanobu Sato emphasizes that the game sets a bigger stage for adventure for Mario and his friends, hinting at a more expansive and immersive experience.
  • 5. What can we expect from Super Mario Bros. Wonder in terms of gameplay features?
    • While specific details are limited, players can anticipate a blend of classic side-scrolling platforming with modern graphics and gameplay mechanics, promising a unique and exciting Mario experience.