Super Mario RPG Remake: Soundtrack Options, Release Date, and Yoko Shimomura’s Magic

Super Mario RPG Remake: Soundtrack Options, Release Date, and Yoko Shimomura’s Magic


The highly anticipated Super Mario RPG Remake is coming to Nintendo Switch, offering a unique musical experience. Dive into the world of Yoko Shimomura’s compositions, choose between the original and rearranged soundtrack, and mark your calendar for the November 17th release date.

Super Mario RPG Remake – More Options

One of the most beloved games of the Super Nintendo era, Super Mario RPG, is making a triumphant return on Nintendo Switch this autumn. Nintendo fans have been eagerly awaiting this remake, and one of the exciting features it brings to the table is the choice between the original soundtrack and a new arrangement by the renowned composer, Yoko Shimomura. In this article, we’ll delve into the musical magic of Yoko Shimomura, explore the soundtrack options, discuss Nintendo’s announcement, and reveal the release date. So, let’s jump into the world of Super Mario RPG!

Super Mario RPG Remake: A Highly Anticipated Release

Super Mario RPG holds a special place in the hearts of gamers who experienced it on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). Its charming characters, engaging story, and, of course, its memorable music made it an instant classic. Now, with the remake, a new generation of players can enjoy this masterpiece.

The Musical Magic of Yoko Shimomura

Yoko Shimomura, the genius behind iconic game soundtracks such as Kingdom Hearts and Street Fighter II, has worked her magic once again in the Super Mario RPG Remake. Her ability to capture the essence of each game’s world through music is nothing short of extraordinary. In this remake, players will have the privilege of experiencing her compositions in a fresh light.

Soundtrack Options: Original vs. Rearranged

One of the standout features of the Super Mario RPG Remake is the ability to choose between two soundtracks: the beloved original and a newly rearranged version by Yoko Shimomura herself. This choice allows players to tailor their gaming experience to their nostalgia or discover the game’s music in a new way.

Nintendo’s Announcement in a Nintendo Direct 

Nintendo unveiled this exciting feature during a Nintendo Direct presentation. The announcement generated immense excitement among fans, who were thrilled to learn about the option to switch between soundtracks seamlessly. This choice truly demonstrates Nintendo’s commitment to honoring the game’s legacy while adding modern touches.

In-Game Sound Player: An Added Bonus  

But the musical treats don’t end there. Nintendo has gone a step further by introducing the in-game Sound Player. Once players have completed the main story of Super Mario RPG, they can revisit their favorite tracks at any time. It’s like having a personal jukebox filled with the nostalgic tunes of the game.

Super Mario RPG Release Date on Nintendo Switch

The anticipation is over; Super Mario RPG Remake is set to launch on November 17th, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. This release date is marked on the calendars of both long-time fans and newcomers who are eager to embark on Mario’s role-playing adventure.


The return of Super Mario RPG is not just a trip down memory lane but an exciting opportunity to rediscover a classic with a fresh twist. The choice between the original and rearranged soundtrack, Yoko Shimomura’s musical prowess, and the in-game Sound Player make this remake a must-play for Nintendo enthusiasts. November 17th can’t come soon enough.

  • Q1: Can I switch between the original and rearranged soundtrack during gameplay?
    • A1: Yes, you can seamlessly switch between the two soundtracks while playing Super Mario RPG Remake, allowing you to tailor your gaming experience.
  • Q2: Do I need to complete the game to access the in-game Sound Player?
    • A2: Yes, once you’ve finished the main story, you can freely listen to all the tracks via the in-game Sound Player feature.
  • Q3: Will the Super Mario RPG Remake be available on platforms other than the Nintendo Switch?
    • A3: As of now, the game is exclusive to the Nintendo Switch, and there are no official announcements regarding releases on other platforms.
  • Q4: What other enhancements can we expect in the Super Mario RPG Remake?
    • A4: While the focus has been on the soundtrack, the remake is also expected to feature updated graphics and gameplay improvements to enhance the overall experience.
  • Q5: Are there any special editions or pre-order bonuses for Super Mario RPG Remake?
    • A5: Details about special editions and pre-order bonuses may vary by region and retailer, so it’s advisable to check with your local retailers or Nintendo’s official channels for the latest information.