Super Smash Bros. Ultimate new characters get Amiibos

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate new characters get Amiibos

Nintendo Europe has revealed after the Super Smash Bros Ultimate Direct presentation that each of the new characters will be getting their own Amiibo figures.

Everyone is an Amiibo?

So there’s Amiibo for Simon Belmont, Richter Belmont, King K. Rool, Chrom and Dark Samus. More information and release dates will be shared at a later date by Nintendo.

Super Smash Bros. has always had a lot of amiibo, but does everyone involved have it’s own amiibo actually? As far as we know there never was an official Solid Snake amiibo for instance … but we think that it was confirmed that every returning fighter would get one here; but well our Japanese is not that great, so if someone can confirm, that would be awesome.

If so than Solid Snake will be immortalized with his own amiibo figure stand, but also characters like Ice Climbers, Pichu, Star Wolf and so on will finally get the amiibo treatment.