Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Sold out at Amazon

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Sold out at Amazon

Mixed emotions come regarding the news we are about to share with you; Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, one of the most highly anticipated video games of 2018, has completely sold out on Amazon.

Rare event

This is extremely shocking as the game is not even out yet, it’s due for release on December 7, 2018 which i still weeks and weeks away.

This is proof that Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has exceeded Amazon’s expectations – the company went out of pre-order copies.  Since the reveal of the game earlier this year, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has been the No. 1 bestselling video game on Amazon, so everyone is expecting the game to sell very well.

It will surely become available again soon as well … it is Amazon. But still it is a very rare event for such a big title on Amazon.