Tales of Symphonia Remastered Update: Patch Notes and Bug Fixes

Tales of Symphonia Remastered Update: Patch Notes and Bug Fixes


The highly anticipated Tales of Symphonia Remastered for the Nintendo Switch had a rocky start, but Bandai Namco is taking swift action to address the issues faced by players. With a new update scheduled to go live, players can expect significant improvements in gameplay performance and overall stability.

We will delve into the patch notes, highlighting the key fixes and enhancements introduced in the latest update. From resolving slowdowns in the Triet sandstorm area to fixing freezing problems after boss battles, the update aims to provide a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience. Join us as we explore the details of the patch and discover how Bandai Namco is working diligently to enhance Tales of Symphonia Remastered on the Nintendo Switch.

Tales of Symphonia Remastered Update

 The release of Tales of Symphonia Remastered on the Nintendo Switch brought excitement to fans of the beloved RPG franchise. However, players quickly encountered various issues that hindered their gaming experience. Thankfully, Bandai Namco has been diligently working on rectifying these problems, and a new update is on the horizon to address them head-on.

Patch Notes Highlights

Fixing significant processing slowdowns in the Triet sandstorm area:

One of the major issues reported by players was the significant processing slowdowns when navigating the Triet sandstorm area. This problem not only affected the gameplay flow but also impacted the overall enjoyment of the game. The upcoming update tackles this issue head-on, optimizing the game’s performance and ensuring a seamless experience in the Triet sandstorm area.

Resolving freezing issues after certain boss battles:

Another frustrating problem encountered by players was the occasional freezing of the game at the end of certain boss battles. This unexpected halt in gameplay progression dampened the excitement and immersion. However, the new update brings a fix for these freezes, allowing players to seamlessly continue their journey through Tales of Symphonia Remastered without any interruptions.

Addressing black screen and inoperable navigation in world maps and towns:

Some players encountered an event where the screen would black out, rendering the game inoperable while navigating world maps and towns. This issue not only disrupted the immersion but also made it challenging to explore and interact with the game world. With the upcoming update, Bandai Namco has resolved this event, ensuring players can freely navigate the world maps and towns without any black screen interruptions.

Fixing interrupted background music after battles:

Another minor but noticeable issue in Tales of Symphonia Remastered was the interruption of background music when transitioning to the world map after a battle. This abrupt silence disrupted the game’s audio experience, detracting from the overall immersion. The new update addresses this problem, ensuring a seamless transition between battles and the world map while maintaining the game’s captivating soundtrack.

Other minor bug fixes:

In addition to the highlighted issues, Bandai Namco has also addressed various minor bugs affecting gameplay and performance. While these bugs may not have been as significant as the ones mentioned above, their resolution contributes to an overall smoother and more polished gaming experience.


With the forthcoming update, Tales of Symphonia Remastered on the Nintendo Switch is poised to deliver a vastly improved gameplay experience. Bandai Namco’s commitment to addressing the issues reported by players demonstrates their dedication to providing a high-quality product. By focusing on resolving significant slowdowns, freezing problems, black screen events, and interrupted background music, players can look forward to immersing themselves in the rich and captivating world of Tales of Symphonia Remastered without any hindrances. The upcoming update aims to optimize performance, enhance stability, and ensure a seamless and enjoyable journey through the game.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • Q1: When will the new update for Tales of Symphonia Remastered on Nintendo Switch be available?
    • A1: Bandai Namco has announced that the update will go live on Thursday, ensuring players can experience the improvements and fixes firsthand.
  • Q2: How can I fix the significant processing slowdowns in the Triet sandstorm area?
    • A2: The upcoming update specifically addresses this issue, optimizing the game’s performance in the Triet sandstorm area. Once the update is installed, players should notice a significant improvement in processing speed and smoother gameplay.
  • Q3: What can I do if the game freezes after certain boss battles?
    • A3: The freezing issue has been identified and resolved in the new update. After installing the update, players should no longer experience game freezes after boss battles, allowing for uninterrupted progression.
  • Q4: Will the black screen issue in world maps and towns be fixed?
    • A4: Yes, Bandai Namco has resolved the event that caused the screen to black out and become inoperable while navigating world maps and towns. Players can now explore these areas without encountering the black screen problem.
  • Q5: Has the interrupted background music issue been resolved?
    • A5: Absolutely. With the new update, players will no longer experience interruptions in the background music when transitioning to the world map after a battle. The seamless integration of the game’s captivating soundtrack enhances the overall immersive experience.
  • Q6: Are there any other improvements in the update besides the highlighted issues?
    • A6: Yes, in addition to the major fixes, the update includes various minor bug fixes to enhance gameplay performance and ensure a smoother overall experience. Bandai Namco is dedicated to delivering a polished and enjoyable gameplay experience.