The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood – Unlock Mysteries and Reclaim Freedom

The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood – Unlock Mysteries and Reclaim Freedom


Embark on a captivating narrative adventure in The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood, a thought-provoking game developed by Devolver Digital and Deconstructeam. Immerse yourself in a world of magic, tarot cards, and political intrigue. The game introduces players to Fortuna, a Witch living in exile on an asteroid, who must navigate a complex web of conspiracies to regain her freedom and protect the Cosmic Witch society from a perilous plot.

Delve into an enchanting tale where identity and community take center stage. Craft your own tarot cards, determine the fate of Fortuna’s coven, and unravel the mysteries of the cosmos. The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood combines captivating visuals, strategic deck-building mechanics, and an original soundtrack by composer fingerspit to create an unforgettable gaming experience.

The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood

Welcome to The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood, a narrative adventure that pushes the boundaries of storytelling and gameplay. Set in a world brimming with magic and mystery, this game invites you to embark on a journey unlike any other. Join us as we explore the mesmerizing universe of Fortuna, a Witch exiled on an asteroid, and witness her quest for freedom and justice.


Gameplay Mechanics

Immerse yourself in the intriguing gameplay mechanics that define The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood. Drawing inspiration from the enigmatic art of tarot reading, the game introduces a unique card-based system. As Fortuna, you will craft your own tarot cards, each representing a different aspect of your destiny. These cards will guide you through the challenges and decisions that lie ahead, shaping the fate of your coven and the world around you.

Deck-building takes center stage, offering you the opportunity to fine-tune your strategies and adapt to various situations. Construct a powerful deck that complements your playstyle, combining spells, abilities, and synergies to overcome obstacles and uncover hidden secrets. With each successful encounter, your deck evolves, granting you new possibilities and empowering you in your battle against the forces that seek to suppress the Cosmic Witch society.

Fortuna’s Journey

Meet Fortuna, a formidable Witch whose indomitable spirit fuels her quest for freedom. Banished to an asteroid, she must navigate a treacherous path strewn with political conspiracies and power struggles. Determined to unearth the truth behind her exile, Fortuna sets out on an odyssey that will test her mettle and challenge her perception of the world.

As you guide Fortuna through her journey, you will encounter a diverse cast of characters, each with their own aspirations and hidden agendas. Engage in meaningful interactions, make difficult choices, and forge alliances that will shape the course of your adventure. The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood excels in its portrayal of complex characters, exploring themes of identity, community, and the resilience of the human spirit.

Political Intrigue

The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood weaves a captivating tale of political intrigue that poses a dire threat to the Cosmic Witch society. Unravel the layers of conspiracy as you dig deeper into the machinations of those who seek to control and manipulate the cosmos. Fortuna’s journey will lead her to uncover shocking secrets and unmask the culprits behind the plot that endangers her fellow witches. Navigate through a web of lies, betrayals, and power struggles as you unveil the true nature of the forces at play. Will Fortuna be able to thwart the conspiracy and restore balance to the Cosmic Witch society?

Immersive Storytelling

Prepare to be enthralled by the spellbinding narrative of The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood. Immerse yourself in a world where magic intertwines with the struggles of identity and community. The game presents a thought-provoking exploration of these themes, inviting players to reflect on their own place in the world and the bonds that unite us.

As you progress through the game, you will encounter unexpected twists and turns, challenging your perceptions and assumptions. The story unfolds like an intricate tapestry, interweaving elements of mystery, personal growth, and the power of collective action. Engage with richly developed characters, each with their own motivations and backstories, and witness the profound impact of your choices on their lives and the overarching narrative.

Enchanting Visuals and Original Music

Step into a visually stunning world brought to life in The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood. Immerse yourself in breathtaking environments, where vibrant colors and intricate details transport you to ethereal realms. The artistry behind the game is nothing short of captivating, with each frame carefully crafted to evoke a sense of wonder and enchantment.

Complementing the mesmerizing visuals is an original soundtrack composed by the talented fingerspit. The music sets the tone for every moment, evoking a range of emotions from introspection to exhilaration. Each track seamlessly blends with the narrative, enhancing the overall immersion and leaving a lasting impression on players.

Release Platforms and Availability

The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is set to release on the popular gaming platforms of Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam. This ensures that players can enjoy the game on their preferred devices, whether they prefer the portability of the Switch or the immersive experience of playing on a PC. Stay tuned for the official release date, as Devolver Digital and Deconstructeam are meticulously polishing every aspect of the game to deliver an exceptional experience.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to embark on this extraordinary journey. The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood promises a unique blend of captivating storytelling, engaging gameplay mechanics, and thought-provoking themes that will resonate with players of all backgrounds.


In conclusion, The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is a must-play game for fans of narrative adventures. With its diverse cast of characters, engaging gameplay mechanics inspired by tarot cards, and thoughtfully crafted storyline, the game offers an immersive experience that will leave players captivated from beginning to end. Immerse yourself in a world where magic and mystery intertwine, as you accompany Fortuna on her quest for freedom and unravel the political plot that threatens the Cosmic Witch society. Prepare to be enchanted by the visuals, enthralled by the music, and moved by the profound themes explored in this extraordinary game.

  • 1. When will The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood be released?
    • The official release date for The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is yet to be announced. Stay tuned for updates from the developers, Devolver Digital and Deconstructeam.
  • 2. On which platforms can I play The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood?
    • The game will be available on Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam, allowing players to enjoy the immersive experience on their preferred gaming platforms.
  • 3. Can you craft your own tarot cards in the game?
    • Yes, as Fortuna, you have the ability to craft your own tarot cards. These cards play a crucial role in determining the outcome of the game and shape the destiny of Fortuna’s coven. Each card represents a unique aspect of your journey and offers strategic options for navigating challenges and making impactful decisions. The process of crafting cards allows for customization and personalization, adding a layer of depth to the gameplay experience.
  • 4. How does deck-building work in The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood?
    • Deck-building is a fundamental gameplay mechanic in The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood. As you progress through the game, you will acquire new cards to add to your deck. These cards represent different spells, abilities, and powers that can be utilized during encounters and challenges. Building a powerful and synergistic deck is essential for overcoming obstacles and uncovering the mysteries that await you. With careful planning and strategic choices, you can create a deck that aligns with your playstyle and enhances your chances of success.
  • 5. Is the game solely focused on the narrative, or are there other gameplay elements?
    • While the narrative is a central focus of The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood, the game also incorporates other engaging gameplay elements. In addition to crafting tarot cards and deck-building, you will engage in meaningful interactions with various characters, solve puzzles, and navigate immersive environments. These elements complement the narrative, providing a well-rounded and dynamic gameplay experience that keeps players engaged and entertained.
  • 6. What sets The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood apart from other narrative adventures?
    • The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood stands out with its unique blend of captivating storytelling, deep exploration of themes, and innovative gameplay mechanics. The game offers a fresh take on the narrative adventure genre by incorporating tarot cards and deck-building, adding strategic depth and player agency. The attention to detail in the visuals, coupled with the original music by composer fingerspit, creates an enchanting atmosphere that further immerses players in the world of Fortuna and her cosmic journey.
  • 7. Can I expect replayability in The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood?
    • Yes, The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood offers replayability through its branching narrative paths and multiple endings. The choices you make throughout the game will have consequences and impact the outcome of the story. With different decisions and paths to explore, each playthrough can offer a fresh and unique experience. Uncover the various possibilities and endings as you dive deeper into the intricate web of the game’s narrative.