The Legend of Zelda – Tears of the Kingdom: A Journey Through Zelda’s Timeline

The Legend of Zelda – Tears of the Kingdom: A Journey Through Zelda’s Timeline


Explore the intricate web of the Legend of Zelda timeline as we delve into the significance of “Tears of the Kingdom.” Hidemaro Fujibayashi, the game’s director, sheds light on its placement, and we unravel the historical depths of Hyrule’s founding. Discover how this sequel connects to “Breath of the Wild” and its potential impact on the vast Zelda lore. Nintendo’s approach to game development and the possibilities for Hyrule’s forgotten stories await. Join us on a quest through time and legend.

The Zelda Timeline

The Legend of Zelda series has captivated gamers for decades, weaving a rich tapestry of lore and adventure. With each new installment, players are drawn deeper into the world of Hyrule, uncovering its secrets and mysteries. “Tears of the Kingdom,” the latest addition to this iconic franchise, has left fans with burning questions about its place in the ever-expanding Zelda timeline. In this journey, we will embark on a quest to understand the significance of “Tears of the Kingdom” in the context of the series’ overarching narrative.

Understanding the Legend of Zelda Timeline

The Legend of Zelda series is known for its non-linear storytelling, where each game is a piece of a much larger puzzle. The timeline of this beloved franchise has puzzled fans for years, and “Tears of the Kingdom” introduces new elements that demand our attention. To make sense of it all, we must first grasp the intricate nature of the Zelda timeline.

Tears of the Kingdom: A Sequel’s Significance

“Tears of the Kingdom” arrives as a sequel to the critically acclaimed “Breath of the Wild.” This fact alone makes it a focal point for Zelda enthusiasts. Director Hidemaro Fujibayashi, the visionary behind this installment, was approached with questions about its place in the timeline during an interview with Famitsu. Fujibayashi’s responses provide valuable insights into the game’s significance and its connection to the broader Zelda narrative.

Fujibayashi on Timeline Placement

In his interview, Fujibayashi confirms that “Tears of the Kingdom” takes place after the events of “Breath of the Wild.” This revelation is a crucial piece of the puzzle for fans trying to piece together the timeline. However, Fujibayashi’s comments hint at a careful consideration of the series’ continuity, emphasizing the importance of not disrupting the established lore.

The Challenge of Maintaining Zelda’s World

Fujibayashi’s commitment to preserving the integrity of the Zelda universe is evident. He expresses a desire to avoid contradictions and ensure that the world of Hyrule remains cohesive. This approach allows fans to engage in speculation and exploration, pondering the many possibilities hidden within the franchise’s history.

One of the most exciting aspects of “Tears of the Kingdom” is its exploration of Hyrule’s founding. The game provides a unique opportunity to delve into the origins of this mythical realm and understand its historical significance.

Hyrule’s Founding and Its Relevance

While “Breath of the Wild” marked the end of a particular timeline, “Tears of the Kingdom” hints at the beginning—the founding of Hyrule itself. This revelation opens a new chapter in the Zelda saga, inviting players to contemplate the implications of Hyrule’s creation. Could there be untold stories of a Hyrule that once fell? The link between “Tears of the Kingdom” and “Breath of the Wild” is a topic of great intrigue. How does the sequel tie into the events of its predecessor? Exploring this connection deepens our understanding of the Zelda timeline and the evolving narrative that spans generations.

Impact on Zelda Lore

Zelda lore is a labyrinthine tapestry of legends, and “Tears of the Kingdom” introduces new threads to this intricate weave. As we venture further into the game’s narrative, we must consider the potential impact on the broader lore of the series.

The Butterfly Effect in Zelda’s Universe

Every action in the Zelda universe has consequences, and “Tears of the Kingdom” is no exception. As we uncover the untold stories of Hyrule’s history, we may find that even the smallest details have far-reaching effects on the timeline. What new revelations await, and how will they reshape our perception of Zelda’s world? The beauty of the Legend of Zelda lies in its ability to connect disparate entries into a single, cohesive narrative. “Tears of the Kingdom” continues this tradition, weaving together threads from previous titles to build a captivating continuum.

Building a Continuum

From “Skyward Sword” to “Breath of the Wild” and now “Tears of the Kingdom,” the Zelda series thrives on continuity. Director Fujibayashi’s approach to storytelling ensures that each game contributes to a grand tapestry of adventure, where the past, present, and future are intertwined.

Nintendo’s Approach to Zelda Game Development

Nintendo’s philosophy in developing Zelda games has always been about pushing boundaries, experimenting with game mechanics, and expanding the series’ horizons. This approach has given rise to sequels, prequels, and spin-offs that keep fans eagerly awaiting each new installment.

The Legend of Zelda franchise has seen its fair share of sequels and prequels. These games not only add depth to the series’ lore but also provide fresh perspectives on familiar stories. “Tears of the Kingdom” exemplifies this approach, offering a glimpse into uncharted territory while staying true to its roots.

Speculations and Possibilities

As we conclude our journey through the evolving Legend of Zelda timeline, we’re left with tantalizing speculations and unexplored possibilities. The franchise’s capacity for surprise and innovation keeps fans engaged, fostering a community of theorists and dreamers who revel in the mysteries of Hyrule.

While “Tears of the Kingdom” may shed light on some aspects of Hyrule’s history, it also leaves room for imagination. What other tales lie hidden in the annals of this enchanting realm? The possibilities are endless, and as fans, we relish the opportunity to envision the untold stories of Hyrule.


In the ever-expanding Legend of Zelda universe, “Tears of the Kingdom” stands as a testament to the franchise’s enduring appeal. As we navigate its intricate timeline, glean insights from its director, and explore the depths of Hyrule’s history, we are reminded of the magic that has captivated generations of gamers. The Legend of Zelda remains a boundless source of wonder and adventure, and with each new installment, the legend lives on.

  • 1. Q: Is “Tears of the Kingdom” a direct sequel to “Breath of the Wild”?
    • A: Yes, “Tears of the Kingdom” takes place after the events of “Breath of the Wild,” continuing the story.
  • 2. Q: How does the director, Hidemaro Fujibayashi, approach the Zelda timeline?
    • A: Fujibayashi aims to maintain the integrity of the Zelda world, ensuring consistency and avoiding contradictions.
  • 3. Q: What is the significance of exploring Hyrule’s founding in “Tears of the Kingdom”?
    • A: It opens a new chapter in Zelda lore, allowing players to contemplate the origins of Hyrule and potential untold stories.
  • 4. Q: Will “Tears of the Kingdom” provide insights into the broader Zelda lore?
    • A: Yes, the game introduces new elements that may impact the overall Zelda narrative.
  • 5. Q: How does “Tears of the Kingdom” connect to previous Zelda titles?
    • A: The game continues the tradition of building a cohesive continuum in the Zelda series, linking past and future adventures.