The Quirky World of Talking Flowers in Super Mario Bros. Wonder

The Quirky World of Talking Flowers in Super Mario Bros. Wonder


As the highly anticipated release of Super Mario Bros. Wonder has finally arrived, we embark on a journey through the game’s development, uncovering the fascinating story behind the creation of the Talking Flowers. These charismatic in-game companions started as an ambitious idea for live commentary and evolved into a delightful addition to the Flower Kingdom. Join us as we explore the origin, challenges, and impact of Talking Flowers in enhancing the solo gaming experience in the newly released Super Mario Bros. Wonder.

The Quirky World of Talking Flowers

The world of Mario is known for its creativity and charm, and with the release of Super Mario Bros. Wonder, this tradition continues. However, what makes this game particularly intriguing is the inclusion of Talking Flowers, a feature that adds an extra layer of interaction and humor to the gameplay. In this article, we dive deep into the behind-the-scenes journey of how Talking Flowers came to be, from a simple idea to a beloved in-game feature, now available in Super Mario Bros. Wonder.

The Concept of Live Commentary

The story of Talking Flowers began with the concept of live commentary. It all started when Producer Takashi Tezuka posed a question: Could the game incorporate “live commentary” based on the player’s performance? This idea sparked creativity and a desire for a new gaming experience within the development team.

Takashi Tezuka’s vision for live commentary hinted at something unique and immersive, even if it was initially unclear what form it would take. His desire for innovation and player engagement set the stage for the development team to explore new possibilities, eventually culminating in the Talking Flowers we see in Super Mario Bros. Wonder.

Shiro Mouri, a member of the team, recalls the challenge of understanding Tezuka-san’s vision. Despite the initial confusion, Mouri interpreted it as a call for a fresh and exciting experience, even if it meant deviating from traditional live commentary formats.

The Team’s Dilemma

The development team faced a significant dilemma as they grappled with how to implement live commentary. This unique idea divided the team, with some in favor and others against it. The challenge was to find a balance between innovation and preserving the essence of Mario’s world.

Evolution of the Commentary Voice

The journey to incorporate live commentary took an interesting turn when the team explored different commentary voices. They experimented with various options, including a generic “newscaster” voice and a snarky “Tsundere” voice known for switching between harsh criticism and warm compliments.

Initially, the default voice resembled that of a traditional newscaster, providing straightforward commentary on the gameplay. However, players were given the option to switch to the more intriguing Tsundere commentary, which generated unexpected player interest.

Surprisingly, players embraced the Tsundere commentary option, highlighting the appeal of unconventional and witty interactions. This shift in player preference influenced the development team’s decision-making process.

Despite the enthusiasm for live commentary, practical challenges emerged in terms of recording voices for the feature. The logistics involved in maintaining live commentary proved to be complex, leading to a pivotal decision regarding its future.

The Birth of Talking Flowers

Out of the ashes of the abandoned live commentary concept emerged the Talking Flowers. These in-game companions not only added humor but also addressed the potential loneliness experienced by solo players. The Talking Flowers concept seamlessly fit into the Mario universe.Around the same time, the game’s setting was decided to be the Flower Kingdom. This decision allowed the team to incorporate the idea of live commentary in the form of Talking Flowers, creating an immersive experience that seamlessly blended with the game’s world.

Enhancing the Solo Gameplay

Koichi Hayashida emphasizes the value of Talking Flowers in eradicating player loneliness during solo gameplay. These charming companions appear at just the right moments, providing a sense of companionship that enhances the overall gaming experience.

Humorous Lines by Talking Flowers

Masanobu Sato highlights the fun aspect of Talking Flowers, as they deliver lines like “Make sure you’re getting your veggies!” in a playful, parental tone. These witty and endearing interactions add an extra layer of enjoyment for players and observers alike.


In conclusion, the journey from the concept of live commentary to the creation of Talking Flowers in Super Mario Bros. Wonder is a testament to the Nintendo development team’s dedication to innovation and player engagement. The Talking Flowers bring a unique charm to the Flower Kingdom, making the game even more delightful for players.

  • 1. What is Super Mario Bros. Wonder?
    • Super Mario Bros. Wonder is the latest installment in the Mario franchise, featuring the innovative Talking Flowers in its gameplay.
  • 2. Who is Takashi Tezuka, and how did he contribute to the game’s development?
    • Takashi Tezuka is the Producer of Super Mario Bros. Wonder and envisioned the concept of live commentary, which ultimately led to the creation of Talking Flowers.
  • 3. What are Talking Flowers, and how do they enhance the gaming experience?
    • Talking Flowers are in-game companions that provide humor and companionship in Super Mario Bros. Wonder, reducing the feeling of loneliness for solo players.
  • 4. How do players interact with Tsundere commentary in the game?
    • Players have the option to switch to Tsundere commentary, which offers unconventional and witty interactions, adding a unique layer to the gameplay experience.
  • 5. Why was the Flower Kingdom chosen as the game’s setting, and how does it relate to Talking Flowers?
    • The Flower Kingdom serves as the backdrop for the game and integrates live commentary in the form of Talking Flowers, creating an immersive and enjoyable gaming experience in Super Mario Bros. Wonder.