To The Rescue! – Taking Care and Finding Forever Homes for Dogs

To The Rescue! – Taking Care and Finding Forever Homes for Dogs


Embark on an immersive journey as a shelter manager in To The Rescue!, a captivating dog shelter simulator game. Take on the responsibility of caring for dozens of adorable dogs, ensuring their well-being, and finding their perfect forever homes.

Experience the challenges of managing a shelter, including fulfilling the dogs’ daily needs, organizing fundraisers, and upgrading facilities. With its emphasis on individual dog traits and preferences, To The Rescue! provides a heartwarming and rewarding experience that will leave a lasting pawprint on your gaming adventure.

About To The Rescue!

To The Rescue! is a captivating dog shelter simulator game that allows players to step into the shoes of a dedicated shelter manager. In this unique gaming experience, your primary objective is to provide exceptional care to dozens of adorable dogs while striving to find them their forever homes. As you immerse yourself in the game, you’ll face various challenges and make critical decisions that will shape the lives of these furry companions.


Video credits: Handheld Players

Taking Care of Dogs in Need

Managing Dogs’ Needs

In To The Rescue!, taking care of the dogs’ needs is at the core of your responsibilities. Each dog requires proper food, water, shelter, and regular exercise. You’ll need to ensure that these basic necessities are met to keep the dogs healthy and happy. The game provides a realistic portrayal of the day-to-day tasks involved in caring for a shelter full of dogs.

Unique Traits and Preferences

One of the standout features of To The Rescue! is the emphasis on the uniqueness of each dog. Every dog is generated with its own set of traits, food preferences, personalities, health quirks, and even names. This attention to detail adds depth and realism to the gameplay, making each dog feel distinct and memorable. Get to know each dog individually, as their preferences and needs will play a significant role in finding them the perfect forever home.

Matching Dogs with Adopters

Finding the right adopter for each dog is crucial in To The Rescue! Adopters visit the shelter with specific preferences and expectations. By carefully considering the adopters’ requirements and the traits of the dogs in your care, you can increase the chances of successful adoptions. The game challenges you to make strategic decisions, aiming to create perfect matches that will lead to long-lasting relationships between the dogs and their new owners.

Running a Successful Shelter

Fundraisers and Donations

Funding plays a vital role in the successful operation of a dog shelter, and To The Rescue! recognizes the importance of fundraising. In the game, you have the opportunity to organize fundraisers and receive random donations from generous supporters. These funds are crucial for covering the costs of food, medical care, vaccinations, and other essential expenses. Engage with the community, plan engaging events, and promote your cause to ensure the sustainability of the shelter and the well-being of the dogs in your care.

Upgrading and Customizing the Shelter

As the shelter manager, you have the ability to upgrade and customize the facility in To The Rescue! Spare funds can be allocated towards improving the shelter’s infrastructure, such as building deluxe kennels, creating designated play areas, and enhancing the overall environment for the dogs. These upgrades not only improve the dogs’ living conditions but also attract potential adopters who appreciate the attention to detail and the care given to the shelter’s atmosphere.

Balancing the Budget

Effective budget management is crucial in To The Rescue! It requires careful allocation of funds to meet the various needs of the dogs while ensuring the financial sustainability of the shelter. Balancing expenses such as food, vaccinations, medical care, and operational costs can be challenging, especially when unexpected expenses arise. Make strategic decisions and prioritize expenditures to ensure the well-being of the dogs without compromising the shelter’s financial stability.

Overcoming Daily Challenges

Random Events and Disruptions

Running a dog shelter is not without its share of surprises and challenges. To The Rescue! introduces random events that can disrupt the routine of the shelter. These events could include a sudden outbreak of diseases, unexpected arrivals of new dogs, or extreme weather conditions. Your ability to adapt and respond to these events will be tested, as you must maintain order and ensure the dogs’ well-being amidst the unpredictable circumstances.

Diseases and Health Management

Health management is a critical aspect of running a successful shelter. In To The Rescue!, dogs can contract infectious diseases that require prompt attention and treatment. It is your responsibility to identify and contain any outbreaks, provide necessary medical care, and take preventive measures to protect the overall health of the dogs in the shelter. Vigilance and prompt action are crucial in maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all the dogs.

Making Tough Decisions

Running a shelter also means making tough decisions in challenging situations. Sometimes, there may be more dogs in need of homes than the shelter can accommodate. In such cases, you may need to assess the dogs’ individual needs, compatibility, and chances of adoption to make difficult choices that prioritize the overall well-being of the dogs in your care. These decisions may be emotionally challenging but are necessary to ensure that every dog receives the attention and care they deserve.

Growing and Expanding the Shelter

Increasing Capacity

As you progress in To The Rescue!, you have the opportunity to expand the shelter’s capacity. By investing in additional kennels, building new facilities, and creating more space, you can accommodate a larger number of dogs in need. Increasing the shelter’s capacity allows you to make a greater impact by providing a safe and nurturing environment for more dogs while increasing the chances of finding them loving forever homes.

Efficient Feeding and Watering Systems

Managing the feeding and watering of numerous dogs can be demanding. To streamline the process, To The Rescue! allows you to implement efficient systems that ensure each dog receives the proper amount of food and water. These systems not only save time and effort but also contribute to the overall well-being of the dogs, promoting their health and happiness.

Comfort for Shelter Dogs

Creating a comfortable and welcoming environment for the shelter dogs is an important aspect of To The Rescue! By enhancing the shelter’s facilities, providing cozy bedding, and incorporating play areas, you can promote the dogs’ overall comfort and well-being. A comfortable and enriching environment increases the dogs’ happiness and improves their chances of finding forever homes. Potential adopters are more likely to be attracted to a shelter that prioritizes the dogs’ comfort and provides an engaging and nurturing atmosphere.

Engaging Minigames for Breaks

To alleviate the daily responsibilities and add a touch of fun to the gameplay experience, To The Rescue! offers engaging minigames for breaks. Take a moment to play Tug O’ War with the dogs, engaging in a friendly competition that strengthens the bond between you and the furry residents. Treat the dogs to some Itchy Scritch, providing them with soothing scratches and belly rubs for relaxation. Enjoy a game of Fetch, where you can throw toys and balls for the dogs to chase and retrieve. And when it’s time for cleanliness, indulge in a Bathtime minigame where you can give the dogs a refreshing bath, ensuring they are clean and comfortable. These minigames not only provide a break from the daily routine but also contribute to the dogs’ overall well-being and happiness.

The Joy of Finding Forever Homes

Seeing Dogs’ Lives Transformed

One of the most rewarding aspects of To The Rescue! is witnessing the transformation of dogs’ lives as they find their forever homes. By diligently caring for the dogs, understanding their unique traits, and matching them with the perfect adopters, you have the power to create heartwarming connections. Seeing the dogs leave the shelter, wagging their tails with excitement, and embarking on a new chapter with their adoptive families fills you with a deep sense of fulfillment and joy.

Celebrating Successful Adoptions

Every successful adoption in To The Rescue! is a cause for celebration. The moment a dog finds its forever home is a testament to your dedication and hard work as a shelter manager. It’s a time to reflect on the positive impact you’ve made, not only in the life of a dog but also in the lives of their new adoptive family. By creating successful matches and ensuring the well-being of the dogs, you contribute to building stronger bonds and creating happier homes.


To The Rescue! offers a heartfelt and immersive gaming experience that combines the challenges of managing a dog shelter with the joy of finding dogs their forever homes. From providing exceptional care and managing the dogs’ needs to organizing fundraisers, upgrading facilities, and overcoming daily challenges, you’ll navigate the responsibilities of a shelter manager. With its emphasis on individual dog traits, strategic decision-making, and engaging minigames, To The Rescue! captures the essence of the dog rescue journey. Get ready to embark on a heartwarming adventure that will leave a lasting pawprint on your gaming experience.

  • 1. Can I play To The Rescue! on platforms other than the Switch?
    • Yes, To The Rescue! is available on the Switch eShop, but it can also be played on other platforms such as PC and consoles.
  • 2. Are there different dog breeds in the game?
    • Yes, To The Rescue! features 28 different breed variants, offering a wide variety of dogs to care for and show to potential adopters.
  • 3. Can I interact with the dogs in the game?
    • Absolutely! To The Rescue! allows you to interact with the dogs through engaging minigames like Tug O’ War, Itchy Scritch, Fetch, and Bathtime. You can spend quality time with the dogs, engaging in playful activities and ensuring their happiness.
  • 4. How realistic is the simulation in To The Rescue!?
    • To The Rescue! strives to provide a realistic simulation of running a dog shelter. The game takes into account various aspects such as managing dogs’ needs, fundraising, budgeting, and unexpected events. While it is a simulation, it also maintains an enjoyable and accessible gameplay experience.
  • 5. Can I customize the shelter in the game?
    • Yes, customization is an important aspect of To The Rescue! As you progress, you have the opportunity to upgrade and customize the facility with deluxe kennels, play areas, and other amenities. This allows you to create a comfortable and inviting environment for the dogs, enhancing their overall well-being and increasing the appeal of the shelter to potential adopters.
  • 6. Are there long-term goals in To The Rescue!?
    • To The Rescue! provides players with long-term goals to work towards. As a shelter manager, you’ll aim to increase the shelter’s capacity, improve facilities, and find forever homes for as many dogs as possible. The game offers a sense of progression and achievement as you make a positive impact on the lives of the dogs in your care.
  • 7. Can I adopt multiple dogs at once in To The Rescue!?
    • While To The Rescue! focuses on finding individual dogs their forever homes, the game mechanics do not allow for adopting multiple dogs simultaneously. However, your efforts in managing the shelter and successfully matching dogs with adopters contribute to creating positive outcomes for each dog and their new families.
  • 8. Are there specific strategies to increase the chances of successful adoptions?
    • To increase the chances of successful adoptions in To The Rescue!, it is important to pay attention to the preferences and needs of both the adopters and the dogs. By carefully considering the adopters’ requirements and the unique traits of each dog, you can make strategic matches that resonate with potential adopters. Building strong connections and showcasing the dogs’ personalities and strengths are key to finding them their perfect forever homes.
  • 9. Can I play To The Rescue! without prior knowledge of dog care?
    • Absolutely! To The Rescue! is designed to be accessible to players of all levels of knowledge about dog care. The game provides a gentle learning curve, guiding players through the various aspects of managing a shelter. Whether you’re a dog enthusiast or new to the world of pet care, To The Rescue! offers an engaging and educational experience.
  • 10. Is there a multiplayer mode in To The Rescue!?
    • To The Rescue! currently focuses on a single-player experience, allowing players to immerse themselves in the role of a shelter manager. While there is no multiplayer mode available at this time, the game provides a rich and rewarding gameplay experience where you can create meaningful connections with the dogs and work towards finding them their forever homes.