Unlocking Super Mario Wonder: The Challenge of Collecting Ability Badges

Unlocking Super Mario Wonder: The Challenge of Collecting Ability Badges


In an interview with Super Mario Wonder’s producer, Takashi Tezuka, and director, Shiro Mouri, we delve into the game’s intriguing facets. From the daunting task of collecting ability badges to the developers’ own experiences, this article provides unique insights. Join us as we explore the Mario universe, where challenges abound, and completionists aim to conquer them all.

Super Mario Wonder’s Unique Gameplay

Super Mario Wonder takes players on a nostalgic 2D platforming journey while introducing fresh gameplay elements. The game strikes a balance between honoring its classic roots and adding new dimensions to Mario’s adventures. It’s a celebration of the franchise’s rich history and innovation.

The Significance of Ability Badges

At the core of the game lies the concept of Ability Badges. These badges grant Mario and his friends special abilities, making gameplay more engaging and strategic. From enhanced jumping to unique combat moves, the badges add layers of complexity to the Mario formula.

Collecting Badges: A Daunting Task

As the interview revealed, collecting all the badges is no easy feat. Some badges can be obtained through in-game purchases using collectible Flower Coins, while others must be earned through skill and determination. The developers themselves found this task challenging, emphasizing the game’s depth.

In-Game Currency: Flower Coins

Flower Coins serve as the in-game currency for purchasing badges. Players must choose wisely how to spend these coins, as the badges they acquire can significantly impact their gameplay experience. It’s a dynamic system that adds a layer of strategy to badge collection.

Tezuka and Mouri’s candid admissions about their own experiences completing Super Mario Wonder shed light on the game’s difficulty. Even the creators themselves faced challenges, demonstrating the game’s commitment to providing a rewarding experience for all players.

Lessons from the Mario Development History

Takashi Tezuka’s extensive history with the Mario series, dating back to the first Super Mario Bros. game, reveals a commitment to maintaining the franchise’s legacy. The development team’s dedication to balancing challenge and accessibility ensures that Super Mario Wonder appeals to both seasoned players and newcomers.


Super Mario Wonder stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of the Mario franchise. Its blend of classic platforming with modern innovations, coupled with the challenge of collecting ability badges, guarantees a memorable gaming experience. As Tezuka and Mouri’s insights show, it’s a game that even the creators find compelling.

  • 1. What makes Super Mario Wonder’s gameplay unique?
    • Super Mario Wonder combines classic 2D platforming with new gameplay elements, offering a fresh take on the beloved franchise.
  • 2. How do Ability Badges enhance the gameplay?
    • Ability Badges grant Mario and friends unique abilities, adding complexity and strategy to the game.
  • 3. Is it difficult to collect all the Ability Badges in Super Mario Wonder?
    • Yes, collecting all the badges is a challenging task, as acknowledged by the developers themselves.
  • 4. What role do Flower Coins play in the game?
    • Flower Coins serve as in-game currency for purchasing badges, requiring players to make strategic decisions.
  • 5. How does Super Mario Wonder balance challenge and accessibility?
    • The game draws from the rich history of Mario development to provide a challenging yet accessible experience for all players.