Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE – An Epic 2D Action Adventure

Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE – An Epic 2D Action Adventure


Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE, a thrilling 2D action game inspired by the Love Live spin-off anime. Join Yohane and her loyal companion Lailaps as they brave the treacherous depths of the Numazu undersea dungeon in a quest to rescue their missing friends.

Engage in intense battles, unleash powerful attacks, and explore a labyrinth that holds secrets untold. With randomized layouts ensuring endless replayability, this adventure promises excitement, challenge, and the allure of unraveling a mystery lurking in the depths. Prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey where courage meets darkness and a ray of sunshine pierces through.

About Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE

Welcome to the captivating world of Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE, an extraordinary 2D action game that immerses players in a thrilling and handcrafted adventure. Developed by the renowned studio Inti Creates, this game takes inspiration from the beloved Love Live spin-off anime. Get ready to embark on an epic journey filled with mystery, danger, and the unwavering spirit of Yohane.


Gameplay Mechanics and Features

Controls and Action-Packed Gameplay

In Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE, players will discover a seamless and intuitive control scheme that allows them to dive headfirst into the heart-pounding action. Take on the role of Yohane and unleash a flurry of lightning-fast attacks against waves of menacing creatures. With precise movements and responsive controls, players can execute devastating combos, dodge incoming attacks, and navigate the dynamic environments with ease. Prepare for an adrenaline-fueled experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Crafting Equipment and Gaining Power

As Yohane explores the depths of the dungeon, she will stumble upon valuable resources and materials. These can be used to craft powerful equipment that enhances her combat capabilities. From intricately designed weapons to sturdy armor and accessories, players have the opportunity to tailor Yohane’s loadout to suit their preferred playstyle. By upgrading her gear, Yohane can tap into her full potential and unleash devastating attacks upon her foes. Additionally, Yohane can forge bonds with her comrades, unlocking their unique abilities and augmenting her own powers.

Storyline: Rescuing Missing Friends

Setting the Stage: Numazu Undersea Dungeon

The tranquil town of Numazu is suddenly thrust into the spotlight when an enigmatic undersea dungeon emerges from the depths of the ocean. The appearance of this mystical structure captivates the curiosity of Yohane’s group of friends, who embark on an investigation to uncover its secrets. Little do they know, their fateful exploration will lead to unexpected consequences and the disappearance of several friends.

Venturing into the Unknown

As the protagonist of Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE, Yohane takes it upon herself to delve into the depths of the dungeon and rescue her missing friends. Armed with unwavering determination and accompanied by her loyal partner, Lailaps, Yohane steps into the unknown. Each step she takes unravels fragments of the dungeon’s dark history and brings her closer to the truth behind the disappearance of her companions.

Fierce Challenges and Monstrous Encounters

The Numazu undersea dungeon is a treacherous place, teeming with formidable creatures and deadly traps. Yohane must navigate its ever-shifting corridors, overcoming fierce challenges and engaging in intense battles along the way. From monstrous fish lurking in the depths to ever-changing mazes, the dungeon throws a series of trials at Yohane, testing her courage, skill, and resourcefulness. With each encounter, she hones her combat abilities and unlocks new powers, drawing strength from the bonds she forms with her comrades.

Randomized Layouts: Endless Exploration

Enhancing Replayability

Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE offers a unique and exciting feature to keep players engaged—the randomized layouts of the dungeon. With each playthrough, the corridors and rooms rearrange themselves, ensuring that no two expeditions are alike. This element of surprise adds an extra layer of challenge and excitement to the game, as you never know what awaits you around the next corner. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, the randomized layouts provide endless replayability, encouraging you to embark on multiple adventures and uncover new secrets with every journey.

Unveiling the Depths

As Yohane ventures deeper into the undersea dungeon, the true nature and purpose of this mystical place gradually unveil themselves. Puzzles, hidden chambers, and cryptic writings tell a story that spans generations, weaving together the fate of Yohane’s missing friends and the secrets held within the dungeon’s depths. Through exploration, observation, and critical thinking, players will gradually unravel the enigma, piecing together the puzzle and discovering the truth that lies hidden beneath the surface. Prepare for a captivating narrative that will keep you invested from start to finish.


Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE is a thrilling 2D action adventure that combines captivating gameplay, an engrossing storyline, and innovative features to deliver an unforgettable gaming experience. With its intuitive controls, action-packed combat, and the ability to craft powerful equipment, players will feel empowered as they navigate the treacherous depths of the Numazu undersea dungeon. The randomized layouts ensure that no two playthroughs are the same, offering endless exploration and surprises at every turn. As Yohane uncovers the mysteries of the dungeon, players will be drawn into a compelling narrative that keeps them invested until the final revelation. Prepare to embark on a journey that combines courage, friendship, and the triumph of light over darkness.

  • Q1: When will Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE be released?
    • A: Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE is set to release on [Insert Release Date]. Get ready to embark on this epic adventure soon!
  • Q2: Can I customize Yohane’s abilities and equipment?
    • A: Absolutely! Yohane’s equipment can be customized and upgraded using resources found in the dungeon. You can craft powerful weapons, armor, and accessories to suit your playstyle and enhance her combat prowess.
  • Q3: Are there multiple difficulty levels in the game?
    • A: Yes, Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE offers multiple difficulty levels to cater to players of varying skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned action game enthusiast or new to the genre, you can choose a difficulty setting that suits your preference. Test your skills on higher difficulty levels for a greater challenge or opt for a more relaxed experience on lower difficulties.
  • Q4: Can I play Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE on platforms other than Nintendo Switch?
    • A: Yes! Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE will be available not only on Nintendo Switch but also on other major platforms. Stay tuned for more information on the specific platforms and their respective release dates.
  • Q5: Are there additional characters besides Yohane and Lailaps?
    • A: While Yohane and Lailaps are the main protagonists, Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE introduces a diverse cast of characters you will encounter throughout your journey. Some of these characters may join you as allies, offering unique abilities and enhancing your overall gameplay experience.
  • Q6: Will there be post-launch content or updates for Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE?
    • A: The development team is committed to providing a fulfilling experience for players. While specific details regarding post-launch content or updates have not been disclosed at this time, the studio has expressed its dedication to supporting the game’s community and ensuring long-term enjoyment.
  • Q7: Is there a multiplayer mode in Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE?
    • A: Currently, Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE focuses on a single-player experience. However, the developers may explore multiplayer options in future updates or potential sequels. Stay tuned for any announcements regarding multiplayer features.