Nintendo Switch 2: Two Models, NG Codename, and Release Date

Nintendo Switch 2: Two Models, NG Codename, and Release Date


We delve into a recent rumor from SoldierDelta, a Discord user known for sharing gaming industry insights. The rumor revolves around Nintendo’s plans for the Nintendo Switch 2, including two models, pricing details, and the internal codename NG. We also explore the speculated release date and assess the credibility of SoldierDelta as a source. Join us in unraveling this exciting rumor.

Nintendo Switch 2 – Next-gen is Coming

The gaming world is buzzing with anticipation as rumors regarding Nintendo’s next-gen console, the Nintendo Switch 2, make their way online. One Discord user, SoldierDelta, known for leaking gaming industry information, has dropped a tantalizing rumor. This rumor not only hints at the existence of the Nintendo Switch 2 but also sheds light on some intriguing details about the upcoming console.

The SoldierDelta Rumor

SoldierDelta has built a reputation for sharing accurate information in the past, and this time, the focus is on Nintendo’s future plans. It’s important to note that while rumors should be taken with a grain of salt, some of SoldierDelta’s previous leaks have proven accurate.

Nintendo Switch 2 Models

According to the rumor, Nintendo is planning not one but two versions of the Nintendo Switch 2. The first is an all-digital system, catering to gamers who prefer a purely digital library. The second model retains a cartridge slot, offering a traditional gaming experience. This dual approach aims to appeal to a broader audience, accommodating different gaming preferences.

Pricing Speculations

One of the most critical aspects of this rumor is pricing. SoldierDelta suggests that the all-digital Nintendo Switch 2 will be priced at $400, while the standard model with a cartridge slot will cost $499. These price points, if accurate, position the Nintendo Switch 2 competitively in the gaming console market.

Internal Codename NG

The internal codename NG for the Nintendo Switch 2 is an interesting tidbit. While codenames are often used to keep projects under wraps, they can also provide insights into a company’s development process. NG hints at the next generation nature of this console.

Release Date Predictions

Perhaps the most specific detail in the rumor is the release date. SoldierDelta claims that Nintendo is aiming for a September 24th launch, although this level of precision in a rumor is somewhat unusual. It’s essential to remember that release dates in the gaming industry can be subject to change, so fans should stay tuned for official announcements.

Comparing with Previous Leaks

To gauge the credibility of SoldierDelta’s rumor, it’s worth comparing it to previous leaks from the gaming community. Specifically, we can look at any information provided about Team NINJA’s Rise of the Ronin and assess whether SoldierDelta’s track record aligns with the game’s development.

Credibility of SoldierDelta

SoldierDelta has garnered attention in the gaming community due to their accurate leaks in the past. However, as with all sources of rumors, it’s essential to approach this information with caution until confirmed by official channels. The gaming industry is rife with speculation, and not all leaks prove accurate.


In conclusion, the gaming community is abuzz with rumors of Nintendo’s next-gen console, the Nintendo Switch 2. The prospect of two models, an all-digital version, and a standard model with a cartridge slot has fans eagerly awaiting official announcements. While the rumored release date may seem ambitious, it’s worth keeping an eye on the horizon for any updates from Nintendo. As with any rumor, it’s essential to approach it with a healthy dose of skepticism until confirmed by the official sources.

  • Q1: Is the Nintendo Switch 2 officially confirmed?
    • As of now, Nintendo has not officially confirmed the existence of the Nintendo Switch 2 or provided any details about its features or release.
  • Q2: What is the internal codename NG?
    • The internal codename NG likely stands for next generation, hinting at the forward-looking nature of Nintendo’s new console.
  • Q3: What are the pricing details for the Nintendo Switch 2 models?
    • According to the rumor, the all-digital model is priced at $400, while the standard model with a cartridge slot is set at $499. However, these prices are based on unverified information.
  • Q4: Who is SoldierDelta, and how credible is their information?
    • SoldierDelta is a Discord user known for sharing gaming industry rumors and leaks. While some of their past leaks have proven accurate, it’s essential to treat their information with caution until officially confirmed.
  • Q5: When can we expect an official announcement from Nintendo about the Nintendo Switch 2?
    • As of now, Nintendo has not provided a specific date for an official announcement regarding the Nintendo Switch 2. Fans will have to wait for updates from the company.