GameStop TV advertises Final Fantasy 15 Royal Edition

GameStop TV advertises Final Fantasy 15 Royal Edition

Final Fantasy 15 Royal Edition was recently rated for the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One by the ESRB.

A Nintendo Switch version hasn’t been mentioned at all but it appears that a Twitter user may have snapped proof that the game is also coming to the Nintendo Switch.

Gamespot TV advert

An advert appeared instore of Final Fantasy 15 Royal Edition which mentioned at the bottom that it’s coming to the Nintendo Switch. As always, we shall have to wait for an official announcement, too see if it’s really legitimate.

Hey @ColeisNugatory , I know it isn’t your doing, but I got a kick out of Final Fantasy XV being advertised for the switch by GSTV lmao
— adam is at home (@ashenchampion) March 2, 2018

Seems the Tweet was taken down .. but well the picture lives on;

It getting taken down could mean something right? Would it not be wonderful if true?