[FACT] Nintendo rep says Super Mario Odyssey is 1080p in TV mode

[FACT] Nintendo rep says Super Mario Odyssey is 1080p in TV mode

A Nintendo customer support representative who emailed Nintendo Today user Gold Luigi may have revealed what the resolution will be like in Super Mario Odyssey.

According to Gold Luigi, the rep said in an email that “on handheld mode, the highest resolution will be 720p, while in TV mode, the highest resolution will be 1080p”. Source; http://nintendotoday.com/super-mario-odyssey-runs-at-1080p-docked/ 


Although info from customer service representatives is not always fully reliable, we will know for sure when the game releases in later this week. We will be covering it in a preview just before the release and will try to have a review of it in the weekend or early the next week.

Stay tuned for all the goods on Super Mario Odyssey!