The latest "can" tags



“A short story worthy of Bradbury and Asimov; with a sharp script, beautifully bleak visuals, and a soundtrack that ties it all together. Play this game. Then hug someone you love” – Wireframe “God or...
Thu 16-04-2020 00:00 | Nintendo Switch Releases
Soul Calibur Producer: Not sure we can port Soul Calibur VI

Soul Calibur Producer: Not sure we can port Soul Calibur VI

The SoulCaliburCommunity managed to get an interview with the producer of Soul Calibur VI, Motohiro Okubo, at EVO Japan 2020. In this interview, Motohiro Okubo shared he isn’t sure if the development team would be...
Tue 18-02-2020 16:43 | Nintendo Switch News
Luigi’s Mansion 3 – Luigi can pet Polterpup!

Luigi’s Mansion 3 – Luigi can pet Polterpup!

Vinesauce shared a video in which we see Luigi petting Polterpup, his puppy that follows him in the Luigi’s Mansion games Looks so sweet now doesn’t it? Nintendo finally listened and allowed Luigi to pet...
Sat 02-11-2019 12:21 | Nintendo Switch News
Nintendo Switch can now run Android

Nintendo Switch can now run Android

Android developer Max Keller and his team have successfully got Android to run on Nintendo Switch. Yes, you need to mod your Nintendo Switch for this, and we are not going to discuss that here....
Thu 28-02-2019 21:42 | Nintendo Switch News
Only Toadette can use the Super Crown

Only Toadette can use the Super Crown

Nintendo has opened the official website for New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe and it has an interesting blurb on the Super Crown. Super Toad ehh Peachette The description for the Super Crown states that...
Mon 07-01-2019 21:43 | Nintendo Switch News
Fisher-Price: I Can Remember

Fisher-Price: I Can Remember

To play I Can Remember, you have to concentrate! Can you remember what you see? Can you remember where you saw it? Choose a number and look at the picture that’s revealed underneath. Then choose...
Thu 01-03-1990 12:00 | Nintendo Entertainment System Releases