The latest "DragonQuestXI" tags

Dragon Quest XI is called Dragon Quest XI S

Dragon Quest XI is called Dragon Quest XI S

Square Enix has remained coy about the Nintendo Switch version of Dragon Quest XI.  But Square Enix announced that the title for the game is Dragon Quest XI S. No further details were shared other...
Tue 25-09-2018 16:54 | Nintendo Switch News
Dragon Quest XI additional content?

Dragon Quest XI additional content?

The upcoming port of Dragon Quest XI on the Nintendo Switch still remains shrouded in mystery. Additional exclusive content? However, one user on Twitter was at the Square Enix’s 38th annual meeting of stockholders and has...
Fri 29-06-2018 20:40 | Nintendo Switch Rumors
Dragon Quest XI officially confirmed for the West

Dragon Quest XI officially confirmed for the West

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is the newest title in the famous Dragon Quest series and has been available in Japan for a while. It was quite a wait, but Square Enix...
Mon 02-04-2018 22:10 | Nintendo Switch News