The latest "Glimpse" tags

Nintendo’s Dual-Screen Patent: A Glimpse into the Future of Gaming

Nintendo’s Dual-Screen Patent: A Glimpse into the Future of Gaming

We explore Nintendo’s latest patent for a dual-screen gaming device that has garnered attention in the gaming industry. We delve into its unique features, potential applications, and the possible connection to the Nintendo Switch successor....
Thu 02-11-2023 10:12 | General News
Metroid Prime 4: A Glimpse into Expansive Realms

Metroid Prime 4: A Glimpse into Expansive Realms

The long-awaited Metroid Prime 4 has sent waves of excitement through the gaming community. As development details emerge, it becomes clear that this new installment by Retro Studios and Nintendo is poised to redefine the...
Sun 13-08-2023 16:38 | Nintendo Switch News