The latest "Hideki" tags

Hideki Kamiya already teasing Bayonetta 4

Hideki Kamiya already teasing Bayonetta 4

Hideki Kamiya of PlatinumGames commented on Bayonetta 4. Kamiya directed the first game, was a supervisor on the second, and was the supervising director on the third. Kamiya’s remarks came in response to a fan...
Mon 28-11-2022 14:36 | Nintendo Switch News | Bayonetta 3
Sol Cresta: Hideki Kamiya’s Very Sorry Stream coming soon

Sol Cresta: Hideki Kamiya’s Very Sorry Stream coming soon

PlatinumGames announced a new live broadcast for Sol Cresta, which will be bizarrely titled “Sol Cresta: Hideki Kamiya’s Very Sorry Stream“. Namely, the broadcast will share information regarding the upcoming shoot ’em up title, featuring...
Tue 02-11-2021 21:23 | Nintendo Switch News