Absence / Downtime at the end of February 2019

Absence / Downtime at the end of February 2019

Fortunately, we do not have to deviate from our normal content stream too often, but unfortunately this last weekend was slightly different than we had anticipated.

News backup

As briefly explained on our various social media channels, the news is now arranged by 1 person on NintendoReporters (undersigned). In general, that is not a problem, but if you are not completely there for a few days because of illness, then there is simply a gap.

We are currently looking at how we can prevent that with an eye on the future, but also want to indicate this way that we are specifically looking for it in our job openings.

If it seems like something for you, then feel free to let us know!

Things never come by itself

That I get sick once well  that happens, but normally it is not something that takes me out for days. But as always, such things never come alone. Unfortunately, there appeared to be a problem on the NintendoReporters server which caused a lot of problems.

Without being very technical about it, I was at a certain point really a bit too bold with how certain things were written away for optimization, causing a congestion on one front of the server.

But as is often the case, you first need to find that congestion before you can solve it. Because the situation was bit more skewed I did not realise it too soon either I will say that. Eventually I found it and could solve it so everything is now running like clockwork again. But of course we have been down and out for a short while. That is simply so. Apologies once again to you all!

In the coming days, we may therefore have to process some older news … but we will be running like nothing happend in no time!