Analytics – Nintendo number 1 in 2019

Analytics – Nintendo number 1 in 2019

Strategy Analytics believes that Nintendo is ready to take Sony’s crown in the video game market in 2019. While the PlayStation 4 remains the dominant platform, the company says that Nintendo is poised to take the top spot next year.

Well no

Do not get me wrong I would love for Nintendo to be at the top of gaming again but they are nowhere near the numbers Sony is pushing. Nintendo is in a league of their own know which is great for them as they do not have a real competitor. They don’t need to compete with either Sony or Microsoft.

The company said that “Nintendo will sell 17.3 million Nintendo  Switch consoles worldwide in 2019, while Sony will sell 17.1 million PS4 and PS4 Pro consoles. Microsoft will remain in third place, selling 10.0 million Xbox One and Xbox One X devices.”

Well in hardware sales … that could happen but don’t for a second think Nintendo is pushing the software amount Sony is doing. They are catching up but the two are still quite a distance from each other and we do not see that changing any time soon.