Genshin Impact: Navigating Controversy to Create a Unique Legacy

Genshin Impact: Navigating Controversy to Create a Unique Legacy


In the dynamic world of gaming, few stories are as intriguing as the journey of Genshin Impact. From its early days marked by plagiarism allegations to becoming a beloved and unique gaming experience, we take you through the evolution of miHoYo’s creation. Let’s delve into the emotional impact of accusations, the turning point that led to creative inspiration, and the role of Liyue in shaping Genshin Impact’s identity.

Genshin Impact: Navigating Controversy

The gaming community buzzed with curiosity when Genshin Impact emerged on the scene. However, initial excitement was clouded by allegations of plagiarism, leaving the development team in a state of emotional turmoil.

Impact of Plagiarism Allegations

The accusations struck a deep chord within miHoYo’s team. The president, Liu Wei, recalls colleagues grappling with feelings of doubt and sorrow. However, adversity became a catalyst for innovation. They were determined to prove themselves and unveil the unseen aspects of Genshin Impact.

Evolution of Genshin Impact

The establishment of Liyue in February 2020 marked a turning point. This expansion provided players with a deeper understanding of the game’s intricacies and its unique identity. The team’s commitment to crafting a distinctive gameplay experience became evident.  The comparisons between Genshin Impact and BOTW stirred mixed emotions among fans. While some appreciated the inspiration, others expressed concerns about originality. Analyzing the similarities and differences sheds light on miHoYo’s creative choices.

Sony’s Role and Community Response

Sony’s endorsement of Genshin Impact ignited both excitement and controversy. Some fans of BOTW felt that Sony’s support was unwarranted due to perceived similarities. The infamous incident of a protester smashing a PS4 exemplified the intensity of emotions surrounding the game.


Genshin Impact’s journey exemplifies how adversities can shape remarkable success stories. The development team’s resilience, coupled with creative evolution, transformed plagiarism allegations into a driving force for uniqueness. The game’s ability to connect with players through distinct features solidifies its place in the gaming realm.

  • 1. Q: Did miHoYo face backlash due to allegations of plagiarism?
    • A: Yes, the development team experienced emotional turmoil, but they turned this negativity into creative motivation.
  • 2. Q: How did the introduction of Liyue impact Genshin Impact’s perception?
    • A: The Liyue expansion allowed players to grasp the game’s depth and unique elements, positively influencing its perception.
  • 3. Q: What controversies arose regarding Genshin Impact and Sony’s support?
    • A: Some fans of BOTW criticized Sony for promoting a game with perceived similarities, leading to a passionate response within the gaming community.
  • 4. Q: How did Genshin Impact’s evolution shape its distinctive gameplay experience?
    • A: The team’s commitment to innovation and the introduction of unique elements showcased Genshin Impact’s evolving identity.
  • 5. Q: What incident at ChinaJoy highlighted the controversy surrounding Genshin Impact?
    • A: A protester smashed his PS4 in protest against Sony’s endorsement of Genshin Impact, underscoring the intensity of emotions within the gaming community.