Google Chrome adding Joy-Cons and Pro Controller support

Google Chrome adding Joy-Cons and Pro Controller support

It was discovered that Google will soon be adding support for both the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller and Joy-Cons in the Google Chrome web browser.

Support … but why??

The reason for this is most likely related to Google’s upcoming video game streaming service which uses the Chrome browser. The company is trying to support as many official controllers as possible so that gamers can use their current controller, rather than purchase a special one to play the upcoming games.

Or well the Google Stadia … yeah we did not give that that much attention but here;


Google wishes to build a game platform for everyone, bringing together all forms of gamers. This has been named the Stadia. The Google Stadia will run on as many platforms as possible, from the Chromecast, to Android, to PCs, where games will be streamed using Google’s low latency technology.

When watching games on YouTube, you’ll be able to click a single “play now” button to instantly try any supported game in your browser, without downloading, without updating, or without any interruptions.

But we are keeping our focus on Nintendo as always.