Miyamoto; Don’t Be Greedy

Miyamoto; Don’t Be Greedy

Mr. Miyamoto offered sage-like words during the Computer Entertainment Developers Conference.

In general warned video game companies and publishers not to be too greedy with consumers and says that it naturally has a habit of backfiring and devalues brands and companies.

Miyamoto speaks

Miyamoto talked about free to play games Vs regular games with fixed prices and also subscription-style services:

We’re lucky to have such a giant market, so our thinking is, if we can deliver games at reasonable prices to as many people as possible, we will see big profits

I can’t say that our fixed-cost model has really been a success. But we’re going to continue pushing it forward until it becomes entrenched. That way everyone can develop games in a comfortable environment. By focusing on bringing games to the widest range of people possible, we can continue boosting our mobile game business.

Miyamoto also said game developers should heed lessons from the music industry, which is still struggling to recover after consumers learned to consume music for free through MP3 file sharing, as well as YouTube and streaming services.

He said subscription-style services should play a bigger role in games, but said the key is to develop a culture of paying for good software.

It’s necessary for developers to learn to get along with subscription-style services. When seeking a partner for this, it’s important to find someone who understands the value of your software. Then customers will feel the value in your apps and software and develop a habit of paying money for them.

I for one still want a Nintendo Steam or Netflix like subscription as that would really work better then what we current have. Read my ramblings on that here; https://www.nintendoreporters.com/en/editorials/nintendo-network-id-to-a-higher-level/