Netflix – Sonic Prime – Full Trailer

Netflix – Sonic Prime – Full Trailer

The complete trailer for Netflix’s new animated series Sonic Prime, which stars everyone’s favorite blue blur, has been published. The series’ premise and plot, which includes Sonic traveling around the universe, are further explained in the trailer.


About Sonic Prime

More different iterations of different Sonic characters, including Pirate and Wild iterations, are seen in the teaser.

As Sonic races to preserve a “strange new universe,” Sonic Prime is billed as a “high octane adventure” and a “journey of self-discovery and atonement.”

Sonic the Hedgehog and Dr. Eggman engage in a bloody conflict that culminates in a universe-shattering incident that forces Sonic to go on a mission to repair the Shatterverse and rescue his pals, whom up until that point he had taken for granted.

Sonic explores new realms and friends along the journey.

The latest trailer provides further story details: After defeating Eggman, Sonic accidentally destroys the Paradox Crystal, sending him to another universe where he learns that he doesn’t exist. Instead, “The Council,” a nefarious group of five Eggmans from different dimensions, rule with an iron fist. Sonic and the alternate versions of his friends must cooperate to stop the Eggmen’s attempt to take over the Shatterspaces and help Sonic find a way to return home.

As a result, Modern Sonic will appear in the program, which is situated in the same worlds as the Sonic video games.

On December 15th, 2022, Sonic Prime will make its debut.