Nintendo Switch 2: Dr. Serkan Toto’s 2024 Predictions

Nintendo Switch 2: Dr. Serkan Toto’s 2024 Predictions


In the ever-evolving world of gaming, anticipation is high for Nintendo’s next move. Dr. Serkan Toto, from Kantan Games, offers intriguing insights into the future of Nintendo gaming consoles in 2024. As the industry buzzes with rumors, Dr. Toto predicts the release of the Nintendo Switch 2, an iterative but eagerly awaited successor to the beloved Switch. With a projected price point of $400 and expectations of higher game costs, the gaming community is in for an interesting year.

Discover the significance of Pokémon in Nintendo’s decision-making and the delicate balance between evolution and revolution in gaming hardware. Join us as we delve into Dr. Toto’s expert analysis of what lies ahead for Nintendo in the gaming landscape.

The Nintendo Switch Legacy

The gaming industry has witnessed the remarkable success of the Nintendo Switch since its release. With its unique concept of a hybrid console that seamlessly transitions between handheld and traditional gaming modes, the Switch has captured the hearts of millions of gamers worldwide. Its library of exclusive titles, from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to Animal Crossing: New Horizons, has made it a must-have for gaming enthusiasts.

The Existence of the Pro Model

Behind the scenes, there has been speculation about a more powerful version of the Nintendo Switch, often referred to as the Pro model. While not officially confirmed, whispers among developers suggested that this upgraded variant existed, and some were already working with its development kit. This led to questions about the direction Nintendo would take with its hardware lineup.

The Nintendo Switch 2

Dr. Serkan Toto’s insights shed light on the future of Nintendo’s gaming hardware. He predicts that the next iteration of the Switch, tentatively referred to as the Nintendo Switch 2, is on the horizon and expected to arrive with a price tag of around $400. This revelation has fueled excitement and curiosity within the gaming community.

A New Iteration, Not a Revolution

One key point emphasized by Dr. Toto is that the Nintendo Switch 2 is likely to be an iteration rather than a revolution. While Nintendo is known for innovation, they have often followed a strategy of building upon the success of their previous consoles. This means that while we can expect some new features and improvements, the core concept of the Switch as a hybrid console is likely to remain intact.

Evolution or Revolution?

The delicate balance between evolving existing hardware and revolutionizing it with entirely new concepts is a challenge faced by all gaming console manufacturers. Nintendo, in particular, has a history of taking risks with unique designs like the Wii and the original Switch. However, Dr. Toto’s predictions suggest a more conservative approach this time.

Potential New Features

While the Nintendo Switch 2 is expected to maintain its hybrid nature, we can anticipate enhancements such as improved processing power, graphics capabilities, and display technology. These upgrades aim to provide a better gaming experience while keeping the core appeal of the console intact.

The $70 Game Dilemma

One of the more concerning predictions by Dr. Toto is the potential increase in game prices. He suggests that games for the Nintendo Switch 2 could be priced at $70, a notable increase from the standard $60 price point that has been prevalent in the industry for years.

Impact on Gamers and the Industry

The prospect of higher game costs raises questions about how this change might affect gamers and the gaming industry as a whole. Gamers may need to adjust their budgets and priorities, potentially being more selective in their game purchases. Meanwhile, game developers and publishers will need to carefully consider pricing strategies and their impact on sales.

Portability: A Non-Negotiable Feature

One aspect of Nintendo’s gaming consoles that has remained consistent over the years is the emphasis on portability. Dr. Toto highlights the importance of this feature in the context of the Nintendo Switch 2.

The association between Pokémon and handheld gaming is undeniable. The Pokémon franchise has a rich history on Nintendo’s handheld consoles, from the Game Boy to the Nintendo 3DS. With the continued success of Pokémon games, there is little chance that Nintendo would abandon the portability feature in their next major console release. This ensures that gamers can enjoy their favorite Pokémon adventures on the go.


In the world of gaming, predictions and speculations often fuel excitement and debate among enthusiasts. Dr. Serkan Toto’s insights into the future of Nintendo, particularly regarding the Nintendo Switch 2, have provided a fascinating glimpse into what 2024 might hold for gamers.

As we wrap up our exploration of Dr. Toto’s predictions, it becomes evident that Nintendo is at a crossroads, balancing innovation with familiarity. The Nintendo Switch 2, with its expected price point of $400 and iterative approach, aims to build upon the success of its predecessor while introducing improvements that cater to the evolving demands of gamers.

Looking beyond Nintendo, 2024 promises to be a year filled with anticipation and innovation in the gaming industry. Dr. Toto’s insights serve as a compass, guiding us through the exciting developments that lie ahead.

  • Q1. What is Dr. Serkan Toto’s background in the gaming industry?
    • Dr. Serkan Toto is a respected analyst and the CEO of Kantan Games, a video game industry consultancy. He has years of experience in analyzing trends and predicting the future of gaming.
  • Q2. Is there any official confirmation from Nintendo about the Nintendo Switch 2?
    • As of now, Nintendo has not officially confirmed the existence of the Nintendo Switch 2. Dr. Toto’s insights are based on industry knowledge and speculation.
  • Q3. Why does Dr. Toto believe the Nintendo Switch 2 will be an iteration rather than a revolution?
    • Dr. Toto suggests that Nintendo is likely to build upon the success of the Nintendo Switch, retaining its popular features while introducing incremental improvements.
  • Q4. How might higher game costs affect gamers and the gaming industry?
    • Higher game costs could impact gamers’ budgets and purchasing decisions. It may also influence game developers and publishers in terms of pricing strategies.
  • Q5. Why is portability such a crucial feature for Nintendo’s consoles, especially in relation to Pokémon?
    • Pokémon has a strong association with handheld gaming, and Nintendo aims to cater to this market. Portability enhances the accessibility and appeal of Nintendo’s gaming devices.