Owlboy creator creates Chrono Trigger sequel mock-up

Owlboy creator creates Chrono Trigger sequel mock-up

Chrono Trigger is widely regarded as one of the best RPGs to have ever come out of the land of the rising sun, Japan. 

Sadly though Chrono Trigger has never received a direct sequel.  Simon S. Andersen, who is the creator behind the lovely Owlboy has recreated what a sequel to the game could look like;


Mr. Andersen’s unique take;

I’ve been making mockups for hypothetical game sequels for fun for many years. Generally all of them are still images where try to capture what made people connect to the original games and see where else I could take the concept, while still being recognizable. After finishing a massive game project spanning a decade of development, I was ready to tackle a new series.

I had already known for years I wanted to explore a hypothetical sequel to Chrono Trigger, Cross and Radical Dreamers, but it took me a full year until I figured out how I wanted it to look. This has been my most ambitious spare time mockup so far, spanning about two months worth of work and featuring music by Jonathan Geer.

If the sequel that was planned years ago was revived, this is likely how I would do it. This video is not endorsed or licensed by SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD and is not a game under development.

This is made only for fun.

Well fun or not … we do like the look of it … and well we would like to have it to be honest!