Platinum Games CEO wants focus on games to be different, possibly even live service

Platinum Games CEO wants focus on games to be different, possibly even live service

Famitsu, a Japanese gaming publication, released an intriguing interview with Platinum Games’ new CEO, Atsushi Inaba, in which he explains the company’s future approach to video game development. Mr. Inaba claims that Platinum Games is focusing on games “that are different from the past,” implying that Platinum Games is focusing on live service games like Destiny and Genshin Impact, which “can be enjoyed and loved for a longer period of time,” as opposed to single player experiences, which he views as “one-off, well-designed” titles.

Mr. Inaba told Famitsu

When questioned about the design philosophy underpinning GG, Inaba said, “Oops, I nearly blurted out something vital about where we are headed.”

“I can’t say much about Project G.G. since we’re currently testing various things, but when it comes to future game creation, we want to concentrate on making games that are different from the past.” I’d want to concentrate on making games that people will enjoy and adore for a longer length of time.”

“Of course, we’d want to appreciate and make little but well created games like Sol Cresta, as well as titles like Bayonetta, in which you can enjoy the process of clearing the game by passing through one-off, well-designed stages.”

“However, the initiatives that we are attempting to develop in the future will be structured differently. Given the changes in the market over the next five years or so, I believe it is imperative that we do so. I apologize for being so ambiguous, but I believe that’s all I have to say for the time being.”

“I want to take PlatinumGames in a clean and unadulterated path and never look back.” That, I believe, is my current function.”