Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151 TCG Set: New Cards for All 151 First Generation Pokemon

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151 TCG Set: New Cards for All 151 First Generation Pokemon


Get ready for an exciting revelation in the world of Pokemon TCG! The highly anticipated Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151 TCG set is making its way to the western market, bringing with it a wave of nostalgia and fresh content. This incredible set features new cards for all 151 first generation Pokemon, allowing trainers to reunite with their favorite partners from Kanto.

One of the most remarkable highlights of this release is the long-awaited return of the Kadabra card. After more than 20 years of absence, Kadabra makes a triumphant comeback, capturing the hearts of collectors and players alike. Its unique features and abilities will surely add a new dynamic to battles and strategy.

To obtain these coveted cards, trainers have two exciting options: booster packs and the Elite Trainer Box. Booster packs provide an element of surprise as you open each pack, hoping to discover rare and powerful cards. On the other hand, the Elite Trainer Box offers a comprehensive collection of cards, energy cards, dice, and other accessories, making it a must-have for serious collectors and competitive players.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151 TCG Set

Prepare to be captivated by the stunning illustrations of Venusaur ex, Charizard ex, and Blastoise ex. These special cards feature captivating artwork that brings these iconic Pokemon to life. Trainers will be drawn to the incredible detail and beauty of these illustrations, making them truly stand out in any collection.

But it’s not just about the cards themselves; it’s about the journey. The Scarlet & Violet 151 TCG set invites trainers to explore a reinvigorated land. Whether you’re venturing through bustling cities or traversing serene countryside, new adventures await at every turn. The possibilities are endless, and you might even encounter the mythical Mew ex during your travels.

TCG Excitement

The release of the Scarlet & Violet—151 expansion has sparked great excitement within the Pokemon TCG community. Trainers are eager to uncover the new horizons this expansion brings, both in terms of gameplay and collecting. Speculation and anticipation fill the air as players strategize and imagine the endless possibilities this expansion will offer.

151 Returns

In the ever-evolving world of Pokemon TCG, the Scarlet & Violet—151 expansion is poised to make a lasting impact. Trainers from all walks of life are buzzing with excitement, eagerly awaiting the chance to bolster their collections and engage in thrilling battles.


In conclusion, the Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151 TCG set is a testament to the enduring appeal of the franchise. With its release in the western market, trainers can rejoice in the opportunity to acquire new cards for all 151 first generation Pokemon. From the long-awaited return of Kadabra to the captivating illustrations of Venusaur ex, Charizard ex, and Blastoise ex, this set is a treasure trove of collectible gems.

As trainers embark on their journey through the reinvigorated land, they’ll discover a world teeming with adventure, where new horizons beckon and legends come to life. The Scarlet & Violet—151 expansion marks a new chapter in the Pokemon TCG, promising excitement, strategic battles, and unforgettable moments.

  • Q1: When will the Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151 TCG set be released in the western market?
    • A1: The Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151 TCG set is set to be released on September 22nd, 2023.
  • Q2: Can I find all 151 first generation Pokemon in this set?
    • A2: Yes, the Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151 TCG set features new cards for all 151 first generation Pokemon, allowing you to complete your collection.
  • Q3: How can I obtain the Kadabra card after its long absence from the TCG?
    • A3: The Kadabra card will be included in the Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151 TCG set, giving trainers the opportunity to add this long-awaited card to their decks.
  • Q4: What are the options for acquiring cards from the set?
    • A4: Trainers can acquire cards from the Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151 TCG set through booster packs or by purchasing the Elite Trainer Box, which contains a comprehensive collection of cards and accessories.
  • Q5: Are the Venusaur ex, Charizard ex, and Blastoise ex cards special in any way?
    • A5: Yes, these cards feature captivating illustrations and showcase the evolved forms of the iconic Kanto starter Pokemon. They are highly sought after by collectors and players alike.