Square Enix CEO – Big announcement later this year

Square Enix CEO – Big announcement later this year

Final Fantasy fans are getting a special New Year’s message from Square Enix because the company has some big games in the works, including the new mainline Final Fantasy game, Final Fantasy XVI for PlayStation 5 and PC, and Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth, also for PlayStation 5.

Square Enix has written a special New Year’s message for Final Fantasy fans. But that’s not all; producer Yoshinori Kitase said in a message that there will also be a “major announcement” later on this year that is “unrelated to Final Fantasy VII,” even if he is unable to provide any more details about it. It is not yet obvious what the project with the Final Fantasy theme will be, but lovers of role-playing games will have something to look forward to with it.

Yoshinori Kitase, the game’s producer, is responsible for FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH.

“There’s also another major news that has nothing to do with Final Fantasy VII, but I can’t provide any details about it just now.

You may be sure that we are putting in a lot of effort to make 2023 the most exciting year that has ever occurred.

About Square Enix

SQUARE ENIX HOLDINGS CO., LTD. is a holding company that leads the Square Enix Group and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. The Square Enix Group is comprised of a wide variety of content and service industries.

Under its globally recognized trademarks, such as SQUARE ENIX® and TAITO®, the Square Enix Group is active in the publishing, distribution, and licensing of entertainment material around the globe.

The Square Enix Group is comprised of a widespread network of highly regarded development studios that are situated in Japan, Europe, and North America respectively. The Group is the proud owner of a vast portfolio of intellectual property, some of which includes the illustrious FINAL FANTASY®, DRAGON QUEST®, and SPACE INVADERS® franchises.