Astroneer Custom Games: Personalize Your Interstellar Adventure

Astroneer Custom Games: Personalize Your Interstellar Adventure


In the latest update for Astroneer, System Era Softworks introduces the highly anticipated Custom Games Mode.

This game-changing feature empowers players to create their own unique adventures by customizing various aspects of gameplay. From choosing starting conditions and planets to fine-tuning power, oxygen, and research settings, Astroneer’s Custom Games Mode offers unprecedented freedom and endless possibilities. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the customization options, share tips for creating captivating custom configurations, and delve into the exciting gameplay experiences that await players in this new mode. Embark on an interstellar journey like never before and make your mark on the Astroneer universe!

Personalize Your Interstellar Adventure

Astroneer’s latest update unveils an exciting addition to the game: Custom Games Mode. With this highly anticipated feature, players can embark on interstellar adventures tailored to their preferences and creativity. The power of customization allows you to shape your gameplay experience like never before. In this guide, we will explore the ins and outs of Astroneer’s Custom Games Mode, providing you with the tools and knowledge to create your own personalized interstellar journey.

Creating Custom Configurations

To begin customizing your Astroneer experience, you can access the Custom Game submenu within the game. Here, you will find a range of options to suit your preferences. System Era Softworks has provided preconfigured custom game modes that you can jump right into. Additionally, you have the freedom to create a new configuration from scratch, allowing you to fine-tune every aspect of your adventure.

Unleashing Customization: Options and Settings

General Settings

In Astroneer’s Custom Games Mode, you have control over various general settings that shape your starting conditions. You can choose to skip the launch sequence for a quicker start. Furthermore, you have the option to select your starting shelter, which can influence the challenges you’ll face. Most notably, you can handpick your starting planet, enabling you to tailor your adventure to specific biomes and environments.

Starting Backpack Items

Customizing your starting backpack items adds a strategic element to your gameplay. You can select specific T1 items to equip yourself with, strategically placing them in your backpack for optimal accessibility. This allows you to prioritize essential tools and resources based on your desired playstyle.

Respawn Settings

Custom Games Mode introduces a range of respawn settings to match your preferred level of challenge. You can choose to limit respawns, adding a sense of consequence to your actions. Individual player respawn limits provide an opportunity for cooperative play with unique rules. For those seeking the ultimate challenge, permadeath mode offers an intense experience where a single mistake can lead to the end of your journey.

Power Settings

Power management plays a crucial role in Astroneer, and Custom Games Mode gives you the ability to modify power generation and consumption. You can adjust the global power generation multiplier, allowing for more or less abundant power sources. Additionally, you have control over solar and wind power generation multipliers, fine-tuning the availability and efficiency of these renewable energy sources.

Oxygen Settings

Oxygen is a vital resource in Astroneer, and Custom Games Mode allows you to customize oxygen settings based on your playstyle and preferences. You can modify the oxygen consumption multiplier, impacting the rate at which oxygen is consumed. For players who prefer a more relaxed experience, the free oxygen toggle eliminates the need to manage oxygen altogether, allowing for a seamless exploration journey.

Research Settings

Research is a fundamental aspect of Astroneer, and Custom Games Mode provides options to tailor the research experience. You can set the starting research bytes, giving you a head start in unlocking new technologies. Moreover, you have the ability to adjust the research reward and speed multipliers, affecting the rate at which research bytes are acquired. To further customize your gameplay, bundles can be used to disable specific research items, allowing for a more focused research progression.

Solar System Settings

Astroneer’s vast solar system is now at your command in Custom Games Mode. You can modify planet and biome generation, adding an extra layer of personalization to your adventure. By adjusting parameters such as gravity, seeds, and environmental factors, you can create unique and challenging worlds to explore. Share your favorite seed with the community to invite others to experience your handcrafted universe.

Astropedia Enhancements

Astroneer’s Astropedia receives notable enhancements with the Custom Games update. You can now view the active custom game settings within the game, ensuring you have a clear understanding of the configurations affecting your current playthrough. Additionally, the credits for the game have been added to the Astropedia, providing recognition to the talented individuals who contributed to the development of Astroneer.

Bug Fixes and Known Issues

System Era Softworks has diligently addressed various bugs and issues to enhance the overall gameplay experience. Printers no longer grab extra resources and drop them after print jobs are finished, ensuring efficient resource management. The “Strange Object” tooltip now displays the correct supported languages, eliminating confusion for players. The game no longer crashes when navigating to the Dedicated Server tab on PS4, improving stability. While many issues have been resolved, a known issue still persists in which players may lose a valid spawn point when loading a ‘no-starting shelter’ save after death. However, the team is actively working on a fix to rectify this inconvenience.


Astroneer’s Custom Games Mode revolutionizes the way players experience the game by providing extensive customization options. Whether you seek a challenging hardcore adventure or a more relaxed exploration journey, the power to shape your gameplay is now in your hands. Create unique custom configurations, share them with the community, and embark on interstellar adventures that reflect your individuality. Astroneer’s universe is yours to conquer and explore, one personalized adventure at a time.

  • 1. Can I share my custom game configurations with other players?
    • Yes, Astroneer’s Custom Games Mode allows you to publish your configurations and share them with friends and the wider community. By providing a numerical “Share Code,” others can easily access and play your custom configurations.
  • 2. Are there any limits to the number of respawns I can have in permadeath mode?
    • In permadeath mode, there is a limited number of respawns available before a game over state is triggered. However, your save will still be accessible, albeit in Creative Mode, where achievements and missions cannot be completed.
  • 3. Can I customize the power generation and consumption rates in Astroneer’s Custom Games Mode?
    • Absolutely! The power settings in Custom Games Mode allow you to adjust the global power generation multiplier, as well as modify the solar and wind power generation multipliers. This customization ensures that power management aligns with your desired gameplay experience.
  • 4. Can I disable specific research items in Custom Games Mode?
    • Yes, Custom Games Mode enables you to disable specific research items through bundles. By doing so, you can curate your research progression and focus on the technologies that align with your gameplay goals.
  • 5. How can I create unique planets and biomes in Astroneer’s Custom Games Mode?
    • With the solar system settings in Custom Games Mode, you can modify planet and biome generation. Adjust parameters such as gravity, seeds, and environmental factors to create one-of-a-kind worlds to explore and share with the Astroneer community.