Brawlhalla – Avatar: The Last Airbender collaboration

Brawlhalla – Avatar: The Last Airbender collaboration

Brawlhalla has announced that the popular TV show Avatar: The Last Airbender will be added to the game. On November 16, 2022, players will be able to get their hands on the content.


Avatar: The Last Airbender collaboration

Aang, Toph, and Zuko are all getting ready to fight as Wu Shang, Kor, and Hattori, respectively.

Aang is the last Airbender and the only known Air Nomads survivor. He is an Epic Crossover for Wu Shang. His destiny is to learn the art of the Avatar and beat the Fire Lord of the Fire Nation. Because Aang is the Avatar, he must learn how to control all four elements: water, earth, fire, and air. He likes to play tricks and wants his life to be full of fun things to do. Aang uses the Gauntlets and the Spear, and his Signature attacks show him bending all four elements and even going into the Avatar state.

Toph, who is an Epic Crossover for Kor, was born blind and learned to adapt and do well as she grew up. As a strong Earthbender, she is stubborn, doesn’t care what other people think, is very sure of herself, and loves to say and do whatever she wants. She doesn’t like it when people tell her what to do, but she doesn’t mind telling other people what to do. She is used to being underestimated, so she uses the wrong ideas people have about her to get ahead. Toph uses the Gauntlets and Hammer, and her Signatures make use of her ability to bend the earth to make her attacks stronger.

Zuko is an Epic Crossover for Hattori. He is the son of Fire Lord Ozai and a powerful Firebender. He was kicked out of the Fire Nation for speaking out against his Father and the Fire Nation’s conquest. During his mission to find and bring back the Avatar, Zuko went through a lot of inner turmoil and struggle. General Iroh helped Zuko decide to join the Avatar’s group so he could teach Aang how to use firebending and restore both his and the Fire Nation’s true honor. Zuko uses the Sword and the Spear, and in his Signatures, he pretends to be the Blue Spirit and lets loose his mastery of firebending.

Also, it was said that the Battle Boots will be a new weapon in Brawlhalla in December. Ubisoft and Blue Mammoth say that they will share more information about the first Legend to use Battle Boots at a later date.

Brawlhalla is a free-to-play game for Nintendo Switch. The Nintendo Switch eShop is where you can get it right now.