Detective Pikachu 2 – Seems to be nearing release

Detective Pikachu 2 – Seems to be nearing release

During the 2019 Pokemon Press Conference, a new Detective Pikachu game for Nintendo Switch was among the things that were announced. Since then, we haven’t heard much about the project, but it’s possible that it will be done soon.

A senior programmer at Creatures Inc. and Pokemon TCG Development Division, Jonathan Murphy, specifically says that Detective Pikachu 2 is “nearing release.” There is also a project that hasn’t been talked about.

Detective Pikachu 2 … is that you?

This is the first time that the title “Detective Pikachu 2” has been brought out in a special way. A few years ago, when the project was first announced, it was called “a new entry in the Detective Pikachu video game series.” It’s not too surprising that it’s called Detective Pikachu 2, though.

When the new Detective Pikachu game for Nintendo Switch was announced, all we knew was that it would be made by Creatures Inc. and that it would finish the story that began on 3DS. Things were left hanging at the end of the 3DS game.