Developers Hollow Knight work hard on physical release

Developers Hollow Knight work hard on physical release

It looks like Hollow Knight will soon be in stores too!

During a Q&A session at Reddit, one of Team Cherry‘s developers reports that they are currently working hard on a physical version of Hollow Knight. He adds that hopefully they will be able to share more news about this in the very near future.

Previously, Team Cherry also revealed that they were doing everything they could to bring a physical version of Hollow Knight to the market.

Positive reception

In addition, the company reports in the same Q & A session that the company was very surprised with the positive reception of Hollow Knight on the Nintendo Switch and that they are happy with how it sells. They had no expectations at all for this.


Hollow Knight has been available in the Nintendo Switch eShop since June 12th.

Our opinion about Hollow Knight

Everyone who has followed us a bit knows how much we looked forward to the title and we have played it wherever possible since it’s release. Yesterday we ‘finished’ it for the first time with a percentage of 82% completion. So we still have a lot to do.

But in addition, we do not really look forward to the permadeath mode (Steel Soul mode). The game is difficult enough as it is. Hollow Knight is an absolute must have! A review will follow in the days after we have fully completed the game.

The physical version, we will buy in a heartbeat!