Digital Foundry on Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Digital Foundry on Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Many Nintendo Switch owners have greatly awaited Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Since it is one of the most popular games, the guys from Digital Foundry have analysed the game as we are used to it.

But their conclusion on the technical side of the game is not very positive, still that is  a bit surprising.

Xenoblade Chronicles works the best in TV mode at 720p, but it is still sometimes blurred. It’s in handheld mode where the game shows the least positive things. There, using an ‘adaptive resolution”  that never gets 720p.

The highest is around 552p and 342p is the lowest. Temporal Anti-Aliasing ensures that the picture is even worse. Digital Foundry therefore believes that Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is the worst portable game for the Nintendo Switch technically.

Check the throughout the analysis;

Digital Foundry on Xenoblade Chronicles 2


Technically the game may have it’s flaws here and there  and we respect the guys from Digital Foundry strongly but as die-hard Nintendo fans we lived for years under the motto; gameplay over graphics. Something that certainly can be said for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. We prefer a graphical slightly weaker game that plays like this does compared to a game that looks great but lacks gameplay. And that can not be said about Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

What do you think of Xenoblade Chronicles 2?