Exploring Long Gone Days: A Narrative-Driven Anti-War RPG

Exploring Long Gone Days: A Narrative-Driven Anti-War RPG


“Long Gone Days” invites you into a world of profound narratives and tactical warfare. We delve deep into the essence of this narrative-driven anti-war RPG, where your choices hold the power to shape destinies. As you navigate through language barriers and forge bonds with diverse comrades, your journey with Rourke, a skilled sniper, unfolds. Discover how every encounter becomes a pivotal moment, affecting the lives of those around you. Can you rise above the harsh realities of warfare, transcending linguistic confines, or will these bonds shatter under its unforgiving grasp?

This game takes you on an exploration of shared humanity, where peace remains elusive. Learn about Rourke’s sniper expertise and engage in strategic, turn-based combat, targeting specific enemy body parts for unique outcomes. We’ll also detail the game’s plot, the impact of player choices, and its availability on the Nintendo Switch. “Long Gone Days” is not just a game; it’s an immersive journey that challenges your perspective on war and the connections we forge in its midst.

Welcome to the World of “Long Gone Days”

“Long Gone Days” is a narrative-driven anti-war RPG that stands out in the gaming world. It explores themes of language barriers, human connections, and the grim reality of warfare. In this article, we’ll take you on a detailed journey through this unique gaming experience.


The Narrative Experience

The heart of “Long Gone Days” lies in its gripping storyline. Players assume the role of Rourke, a sniper, as they navigate a world torn apart by war. The game’s plot unfolds in a way that captivates players, presenting them with challenging decisions and unexpected twists.

Language barriers are a central theme in the game. As players interact with characters from various backgrounds, these barriers become a significant hurdle to overcome. We’ll delve into how this aspect adds depth to the narrative.

Your choices in “Long Gone Days” have far-reaching consequences. Every decision you make shapes the outcome of the game, influencing character relationships and story outcomes. It’s a game where your choices truly matter.

Forming Bonds

“Long Gone Days” introduces players to a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique stories and backgrounds. We’ll introduce you to some of these characters and explore how they contribute to the game’s richness. In a world ravaged by war, forming bonds becomes essential for survival. We’ll discuss how “Long Gone Days” emphasizes the significance of human connections and how they impact the gameplay.

Rourke: The Sniper

Rourke, the protagonist of “Long Gone Days,” is a sniper with unparalleled skills. We’ll dive into his character, exploring his role in the game’s narrative and his expertise as a sniper.

Sniper Gameplay Mechanics

“Long Gone Days” offers a unique combat experience, where players can engage in sniper gameplay. We’ll explain the mechanics of sniper combat and how it adds depth to the game. In combat, precision matters.

The game features a turn-based combat system that requires strategic thinking.  “Long Gone Days” encourages players to think strategically in combat situations.  To succeed in “Long Gone Days,” players must combine their skills and strategies effectively. 

The Game’s Plot

Your choices shape the narrative of “Long Gone Days.”  The game’s storytelling is a masterpiece. 

Availability on the eShop

For Nintendo Switch enthusiasts, “Long Gone Days” is available for digital download on the eShop. We’ll guide you on how to access the game and make the most of your digital download experience.


In the conclusion, we’ll reflect on the essence of “Long Gone Days” as a narrative-driven anti-war RPG. It challenges players to explore complex themes while embarking on a memorable gaming journey.

  • 1. Q: What distinguishes “Long Gone Days” from other RPGs?
    • A: “Long Gone Days” offers a unique blend of narrative depth, language barriers, and tactical combat, creating an experience that challenges players on multiple fronts.
  • 2. Q: Can you tell me more about Rourke’s role as a sniper in the game?
    • A: Rourke is a central character, and his sniper expertise plays a pivotal role in the game’s mechanics and plot. Players will engage in strategic combat as they guide Rourke through his journey.
  • 3. Q: How do player choices affect the storyline in “Long Gone Days”?
    • A: Player choices have a significant impact on the game’s narrative. Each decision leads to different story paths and influences character relationships.
  • 4. Q: Is “Long Gone Days” available on the Nintendo Switch?
    • A: Yes, you can experience “Long Gone Days” on the Nintendo Switch through digital download from the eShop, providing a convenient and immersive gaming experience.
  • 5. Q: What makes “Long Gone Days” a thought-provoking game for players?
    • A: The game’s exploration of language barriers, human connections, and the consequences of war challenges players to think deeply about these themes, making it a thought-provoking experience.