Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos – A New Chapter in Farming Adventure

Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos – A New Chapter in Farming Adventure

Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos brings the beloved farming simulation franchise to new heights in celebration of its 25th anniversary.

Players will embark on a journey to reunite five villages separated by a great disaster, care for a variety of livestock and pets, engage in relationships, and use the new Expando-Farm system. The game also introduces a rich narrative centered around the Harvest Goddess and her magical key, providing an immersive experience for both long-time fans and newcomers.

A New Chapter in Farming Adventure

For over two decades, the Harvest Moon franchise has captivated the hearts of fans worldwide with its engaging blend of farming simulation, relationship building, and exploration. With the upcoming release of Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos, Natsume aims to deliver an even more immersive experience, marking the series’ 25th anniversary with an exciting new chapter.

The Story of Anthos

Set in the enchanting world of Anthos, players will uncover the tale of five villages that were separated by a great disaster, caused by an unprecedented volcanic eruption. Amidst the chaos, the Harvest Goddess and her Harvest Sprites used all their powers to save the people, leaving the villages isolated from one another. Hoping for a day when the villages could be reunited, the Harvest Goddess sent a bottle containing a letter and a magical key into the ocean before falling into a deep slumber.

Gameplay Features

In Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos, players will have the opportunity to explore the vibrant world of Anthos, filled with unique towns, terrains, and characters. Each town boasts its own seasons, villagers, and distinct features that will delight and engage players throughout their journey.

Caring for livestock such as cows, sheep, and chickens is a core aspect of the game, and players will be rewarded with bonuses for maintaining a diverse farm. In addition, the game introduces a wide array of pets, including cats, dogs, parakeets, and even wolves, further enriching the player’s experience.

Relationships play a significant role in The Winds of Anthos, as players can woo and marry any of the five bachelors or bachelorettes available. This feature allows for a personalized and engaging story, tailored to each player’s preferences.

A new and improved Expando-Farm system, courtesy of Doc Jr., grants players the ability to move their farm around the land of Anthos with ease. This innovative feature provides a fresh take on farm management and strategy.

Cooking also takes center stage, as players can now prepare multiple dishes simultaneously in their kitchen, offering greater flexibility and creativity in culinary endeavors.

The Art and Design

The Winds of Anthos showcases stunning visuals and captivating audio elements that bring the world to life. Each character and environment has been meticulously designed, ensuring a memorable gaming experience that will leave a lasting impression.


Although the release window is currently set for 2023, platforms for Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos have yet to be confirmed. Fans eagerly await further announcements regarding the game’s availability and supported devices.

Reception and Expectations

Since its announcement, Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos has generated considerable buzz among fans and newcomers alike. The vibrant world, unique gameplay features, and rich narrative have created high expectations for this installment in the beloved franchise.


Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos promises to be a captivating new addition to the beloved franchise, celebrating its 25th anniversary with a fresh and engaging experience for both long-time fans and newcomers. With its enchanting narrative, innovative gameplay features, and stunning art and design, players can look forward to reuniting the five separated villages and uncovering the secrets of Anthos in this highly anticipated installment.

  • Q: When is Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos set to release?
    • A: The release window is currently set for 2023, with platforms yet to be confirmed.
  • Q: Can I marry any character I want in the game?
    • A: Yes, you can woo and marry any of the five bachelors or bachelorettes available.
  • Q: How does the new Expando-Farm system work?
    • A: Doc Jr.’s Expando-Farm system allows you to easily move your farm around the land of Anthos, offering a new level of farm management and strategy.
  • Q: Can I have pets in Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos?
    • A: Yes, a variety of pets, including cats, dogs, parakeets, and wolves, are available for players to keep and care for in the game.
  • Q: How many dishes can I cook simultaneously in the game?
    • A: The Winds of Anthos allows players to cook multiple dishes at the same time, providing more flexibility and creativity in the kitchen.