HORI Split Pad Fit a revamped version of the Split Pad Pro

HORI Split Pad Fit a revamped version of the Split Pad Pro

HORI has shown off the Split Pad Fit, which is an updated version of their popular Split Pad Pro series of controllers for Nintendo Switch.


Split Pad Fit

Compared to the Split Pad Pro, the Split Pad Fit has a more ergonomic design and looks more like the traditional Joy-cons, but with a thicker grip for players to hold onto. The Split Pad Fit has all of the same features as the Split Pad Pro, but the new design doesn’t seem to support HD Rumble, NFC, or wireless features. The Split Pad Fit will come out in Japan in September 2022.

A handheld controller for the mode that is small enough for women and children to use. A Split Pad Fit for Nintendo Switch makes it easier to play even for long periods of time, even if you have small hands.

– The controller for Split Pad Fit is not wireless.

– Doesn’t come with Motion Controls, HD Rumble, NFC, or an infrared camera.


  • Fits your hand: The grip at the back makes playing stable and comfortable.
  • Size: The buttons and analog stick are smaller than usual, making it easy for people with small hands to use.
  • Back button assignment function – Each controller’s back button can be used to assign buttons.
  • Turbo mode – Continuous fire mode