Astroneer – Project C.H.E.E.R. Update version patch notes

Astroneer – Project C.H.E.E.R. Update version patch notes

On the Nintendo Switch version of Astroneer, a brand new and substantial update has been released. This update, which has been given the name Project C.H.E.E.R., will provide players with a variety of seasonal prizes as well as various bug fixes.

The Delivery Event for the Project CHEER

On the planets Sylva, Desolo, Calidor, and Glacio, different wrecks of containers have been found surrounded by a variety of toys and other trash. By employing scrap and several other materials, Astroneers that are interested in production may generate new toys with the Small Printer.

It is puzzling that transport containers continually going missing at this time of year on planets in the Sylva System… What exactly is going on in the logistics department here at EXO? There must be some strange error in the procedures that they follow. Perhaps this is the cause of the strange containers that have been observed on Sylva, Desolo, and Calidor that have ERROR/LU-C1D filtering at 63% HelpHelpHelp.

When they are transported, individually packaged toys have varying point values, as follows:

Automaton 001s and 002s are worth 20 points each.

35 Points – Cubic Objects

Stellar Objects are worth fifty points each.

75 Points – Cosmic Baubles (Printable from Small Printer)

125 points are awarded for the Astral Figurines (Found on Glacio)

The following items were included in the EXO Dynamics rewards packages:

1500 Points – The Holiday Throwback Bundle is a collection of cosmetics that have been awarded in prior years, including:

Hat: “Boreal Beanie”

Mask: “Pudding Warmer”

3500 Points Carbonated is the name of the palette.

6500 Points – The “Shiver” Emote Is Worth 10000 Points – The name of the hat is “Seasonal Allure”

Along the journey, EXO will provide you with helpful products and resources that will enhance your ability to recoup or increase output. After successfully completing the main event, you are eligible for a variety of random recurring awards, including the following:

Packagers of Resin, Clay, and Graphite, as well as Dynamite

Small Power Items Consisting of Copper, Iron, Titanium, and Tungsten

Hydrazine & Jet Packs

The EXO Chips.

Nanocarbon Alloy\sQT-RTGs

Missions Specific to Special Events

Special missions have been introduced, and they will start appearing in the Mission Logs of players whenever there is a new event that is active. This was done to assist event-related communications. To begin the current event and successfully finish the assignment, players need do nothing more than ignite a rocket on an EXO Request Platform.

A Prize for the Community

In the same manner as in past years, all of the points earned through packages will be accumulated toward the achievement of a worldwide total, the achievement of which will award a FEZANT hat to every member of the community. We will be keeping track of progress via various social media platforms, and after the event has concluded, you will be able to continue handing out incentives to ensure that the present is unlocked for everyone.

Toppers for Tethers

The intrepid Astroneers will once again see lights of varying colors adorning their tether lines. You may put them to use as decorations, put them to use in your building tasks, or just sit back and enjoy the cheery light they give off.

Issues: Starting with version, the following bugs have been addressed and fixed:

AS-18369 | Crash | A crash that previously occurred while attempting to place a Sturdysquash Sample into a Research Chamber that is located on the same platform as a Cauldrangea has been fixed.

AS-18370 | Crash | Certain saves in shipping builds of the game will no longer run out of memory extremely rapidly when the game is idle thanks to this fix.

AS-18371 | LTEs | During the care package phase of the LTE, the desired item icons and point values will no longer be repeated.

AS-18535 | Holiday LTE | Packagers that were spawned in with the rest of the LTE products will now be deleted after the LTE has concluded.

AS-18560 | Localization | Japanese is now included in the G. novus Shells mission title AS-18562 | Localization | Japanese is no longer absent from the Astroneer log AS-18562 | Localization | Japanese is now included in the Astroneer log

As of version, the following problem is still a known one: AS-18391 | Mini-Smelter | Leaving relevant and relaunching the game while a Portable Smelter is active may place it in a broken condition.

AS-18169 | Localization | Rails | The power requirements for C.O.L.E. are left out of the catalog in some of the languages, leading to an incomplete description of the product.

The Overachiever Palette does not become available even after all of the tasks have been completed (AS-18554 | SWITCH | Overachiever).

Client’s compass will be completely empty after teleporting to any planet from the station. AS-17750 | Multiplayer | Compass | After teleporting to any planet from the station, the client’s compass will be completely empty. AS-17386 | Switch | UI | The Reconnect UI does not appear to allow players to reconnect to interrupted multiplayer sessions.

AS-16898 | Rover | Drill | Operating a rover when it is equipped with a drill would ultimately bring the Rover to a complete halt on Console.

The error message that appears in AS-14453 | Dedicated Server | when an attempt is made to connect with an invalid password is simply “Join Failed.”

AS-11556 | Audio | The music from the main menu will continue to play after loading a save file, before the actual music from the game begins to play. AS-18196 | Rails | The rocket from the Trade Platform can be pulled onto the Rail Station if the setting on the Rail Station is “UNLOADS STOPPED CARS.”

AS-18141 | Rails | Dedicated Server | Clients are not seeing rail items in multiplayer sessions while using the dedicated server

AS-18242 | Multiplayer | The client’s compass in a community save is totally blank.

AS-18627 | Mission Log | When a tracked mission is over, the mission log will no longer monitor the missions that come after it.

About Astroneer

Discover and Influence the Future of Faraway Worlds! The video game Astroneer takes place in the 25th century, during the Intergalactic Age of Discovery, when explorers known as Astroneers venture to the far reaches of space, putting their lives on the line in treacherous conditions in order to make unique discoveries and solve the riddles of the cosmos.

During this quest, people may collaborate to construct unique bases above or below ground, design vehicles to traverse a large solar system, and utilize the environment to make whatever they can dream of. The player’s ability to use their imagination and resourcefulness is essential to finding intriguing planetary adventures and flourishing during them. You have the ability in Astroneer to:

  • Mold the earth under you as if it were made of clay so that you may move more freely.
  • Fight for your life on painstakingly constructed worlds that can be completely distorted and navigated in whatever way you like.
  • Put construct your bases and vehicles by snapping together various components and items.
  • Participate in a four-player online drop-in/drop-out co-op game with your buddies.
  • Investigate and get to the bottom of the mysteries surrounding the solar system

Transform and mold all that is around you.

In Astroneer, players are able to dig, gather, shape, and create whatever they like with the use of their distort tool. Make use of this skill to dig all the way to the core of the globe, construct a ramp leading up to the clouds, or create megaliths utilizing just the terrain!