How Saber Interactive Achieved a Seamless Port of Kingdom Come Deliverance

How Saber Interactive Achieved a Seamless Port of Kingdom Come Deliverance


Saber Interactive faced a significant challenge when they embarked on porting Kingdom Come Deliverance to the Nintendo Switch. The process required meticulous examination of the game’s source code and assets to determine feasibility. Once they decided to move forward, the team focused on optimizing the game to ensure it was not only playable but enjoyable.

This involved reducing high-resolution assets, simplifying terrain graphics, and managing memory efficiently. The most challenging aspect was achieving a stable 30fps, especially in densely populated areas and during intense battles. Despite the hurdles, Saber Interactive succeeded in delivering a high-quality gaming experience on the Switch. Anton Vasilev, the lead programmer, highlighted the importance of balancing performance, stability, and quality, which ultimately led to the game’s successful port.

Seamless Port of Kingdom Come Deliverance

The talented team at Saber Interactive took on a monumental task when they decided to port the highly acclaimed Kingdom Come Deliverance to the Nintendo Switch. This project posed numerous challenges, from ensuring the game was playable on the less powerful hardware to optimizing it to provide an enjoyable experience for players. In a recent interview, lead programmer Anton Vasilev shared insights into the process, detailing the steps taken to overcome these hurdles and achieve their goal.

The Challenge of Porting to Nintendo Switch

Porting a complex, resource-intensive game like Kingdom Come Deliverance to the Nintendo Switch is no small feat. The Switch, while a versatile and popular gaming platform, has hardware limitations compared to other consoles and PCs. This meant that Saber Interactive had to be innovative and strategic in their approach to ensure the game could run smoothly on the Switch without sacrificing too much in terms of performance and quality.

Initial Feasibility Assessment

Source Code and Assets Examination

Before committing to the port, Saber Interactive needed to assess whether it was even feasible to run Kingdom Come Deliverance on the Nintendo Switch. This involved a thorough examination of the game’s source code and assets. The team had to identify potential bottlenecks and limitations that could hinder performance on the Switch’s hardware. This initial assessment was crucial in determining the scope of the project and the strategies that would be necessary to achieve their goal.

Deciding to Move Forward with the Port

After careful consideration, the team at Saber Interactive decided that porting Kingdom Come Deliverance to the Nintendo Switch was indeed possible. This decision marked the beginning of an extensive and detailed optimization process. The team understood that simply making the game playable was not enough; it had to be enjoyable for players, which meant achieving a balance between performance and quality.

The Optimization Process

Optimization was the cornerstone of the porting process. Without it, the game would likely suffer from performance issues that could detract from the player experience. The team at Saber Interactive had to employ various techniques to ensure that the game ran smoothly on the Switch while maintaining as much of the original game’s quality as possible.

Asset Management and Reduction

One of the first steps in the optimization process was managing and reducing the game’s assets. The team used the art assets from the Xbox One version of the game as a starting point. They then removed some static objects and cut the highest resolution MIP levels for all assets. This reduction in asset complexity was necessary to fit within the Switch’s more limited memory and processing capabilities.

Overcoming Performance Hurdles

Maintaining a stable frame rate was one of the most challenging aspects of the port. The team aimed to achieve 30 frames per second (fps) in both handheld and docked modes. This required significant adjustments and optimizations, particularly in areas of the game that were densely populated or featured intense action sequences. The team had to ensure that the game remained smooth and responsive, even during these demanding moments.

Handling High-Density Areas

High-density areas, such as villages and battlefields, posed a particular challenge. These areas often contain numerous characters, objects, and effects that can strain the hardware. To address this, the team simplified terrain graphics and reduced the key frame rate of some animation sequences. These adjustments helped to alleviate the performance strain while still providing a visually appealing experience.

Technical Adjustments

To ensure the game could run effectively on the Switch, the team had to make several technical adjustments to the image quality and art assets. This included reducing the resolution of textures and simplifying models. The goal was to strike a balance between maintaining visual fidelity and achieving the necessary performance improvements. Despite these reductions, the game still managed to retain much of its original charm and detail.

Terrain and Animation Simplifications

In addition to reducing asset resolution, the team also simplified the terrain graphics and some animation sequences. This was done to ensure that the game could run smoothly without overloading the Switch’s hardware. By focusing on the most critical elements of the game’s visuals and optimizing them, the team was able to maintain a high level of detail where it mattered most.

Audio and Surround Sound Considerations

Another aspect of the optimization process involved the game’s audio. The team decided to forgo surround sound support for the Switch version, which helped to reduce the processing load. While this meant a compromise in audio quality, it was a necessary trade-off to ensure that the game could run smoothly and maintain a consistent frame rate.

Memory Handling Techniques

Efficient memory handling was crucial in the porting process. The Switch has more limited memory compared to other platforms, so the team had to implement techniques to manage memory usage effectively. This included optimizing the way data was loaded and unloaded, reducing the memory footprint of various game assets, and ensuring that the game could run without crashing or experiencing significant slowdowns.

Stability and Quality Balancing

Balancing stability and quality was a key objective for the team. They had to ensure that the game was stable and free of crashes while also providing a high-quality experience for players. This required extensive testing and fine-tuning to identify and address any potential issues that could affect gameplay. The team’s dedication to this balance was instrumental in delivering a polished and enjoyable game on the Switch.

Final Testing and Adjustments

The final stages of the porting process involved rigorous testing and adjustments. The team conducted extensive playtesting to identify any remaining issues and ensure that the game ran smoothly across all scenarios. This included testing both handheld and docked modes to ensure consistent performance. The feedback from these tests was used to make final adjustments and optimizations, ensuring that the game met the high standards set by Saber Interactive.

Achieving 30fps: Handheld vs. Docked Mode

One of the major achievements of the port was maintaining a stable 30fps in both handheld and docked modes. This required careful balancing and optimization to ensure that the game could run smoothly regardless of how players chose to play. The team’s efforts in this area paid off, resulting in a consistent and enjoyable experience for players on the Switch.

Key Takeaways from the Optimization Process

The porting of Kingdom Come Deliverance to the Nintendo Switch provided several key takeaways for Saber Interactive. The process highlighted the importance of thorough planning, meticulous optimization, and rigorous testing. It also demonstrated the need for flexibility and innovation in overcoming the unique challenges posed by the Switch’s hardware limitations. These lessons will undoubtedly be valuable for future projects.

The Team’s Dedication and Efforts

The successful port of Kingdom Come Deliverance to the Switch was a testament to the dedication and efforts of the Saber Interactive team. Despite the numerous challenges and obstacles, the team remained committed to delivering a high-quality experience for players. Their hard work and perseverance paid off, resulting in a successful port that met the expectations of both the developers and the players.


Porting Kingdom Come Deliverance to the Nintendo Switch was a significant achievement for Saber Interactive. The team faced numerous challenges, from ensuring the game was playable on the less powerful hardware to optimizing it to provide an enjoyable experience for players. Through meticulous optimization and innovative solutions, the team managed to deliver a high-quality gaming experience on the Switch. The lessons learned from this project will undoubtedly be valuable for future endeavors, and the successful port serves as a testament to the team’s dedication and expertise.

  • What was the biggest challenge in porting Kingdom Come Deliverance to the Nintendo Switch?
    • The biggest challenge was achieving a stable frame rate, particularly in densely populated areas and during intense action sequences.
  • How did Saber Interactive optimize the game for the Switch?
    • They reduced high-resolution assets, simplified terrain graphics, managed memory efficiently, and made technical adjustments to maintain performance and quality.
  • Did the Switch version of Kingdom Come Deliverance lose any features?
    • Yes, the Switch version does not support surround sound, and some static objects with high LOD models were removed to improve performance.
  • What frame rate does Kingdom Come Deliverance run at on the Switch?
    • The game runs at 30 frames per second in both handheld and docked modes.
  • What insights did Anton Vasilev share about the porting process?
    • Anton Vasilev highlighted the importance of balancing performance, memory handling, stability, and quality in the porting process.