Let’s! Revolution! – A Colorful Adventure

Let’s! Revolution! – A Colorful Adventure


Embark on a vibrant journey with Let’s! Revolution! as it lands on the Nintendo Switch. This roguelite puzzle game offers players an immersive experience filled with strategic gameplay and hand-drawn animation. Choose from six unique characters, navigate maze-like puzzles inspired by Minesweeper, and lead the charge against a tyrannical king. With charming characters, engaging gameplay, and stunning visuals, Let’s! Revolution! promises an unforgettable adventure for players of all ages.

A Colorful Adventure

Announcing the arrival of Let’s! Revolution! to the Nintendo Switch, Buck invites players to delve into a world filled with colorful adventure and strategic challenges. In this overview, we’ll explore the game’s mechanics, characters, and the excitement it brings to the Switch platform.

Let’s! Revolution! introduces players to roguelite puzzle mechanics reminiscent of Minesweeper, offering a unique blend of strategy and deduction. As players navigate maze-like puzzles, they’ll employ turn-based tactics and deductive reasoning to outsmart foes and progress through the game. Each of the six playable characters brings their own tactical role and abilities to the table, adding depth and variety to gameplay.


Exploring Beebom

Beebom serves as the vibrant backdrop for Let’s! Revolution!, with its maze-like puzzles and charming characters. As players traverse this colorful world, they’ll encounter helpful NPCs, shopkeepers, and a wealth of secrets waiting to be uncovered. Hand-drawn animation breathes life into the environment, creating a visually stunning experience that draws players into the heart of the revolution.

Characters and Abilities

Let’s! Revolution! offers a diverse roster of characters, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles. From the stealthy Shadow to the powerful Trooper, players can choose the character that best suits their preferred tactics and playstyle. Experiment with different combinations of characters and abilities to discover new strategies and approaches to challenges.

Quest for Liberation

The heart of Let’s! Revolution! lies in the quest for liberation from the tyrannical king. As players progress through the game, they’ll uncover opportunities to acquire items and abilities that will aid them in their ultimate showdown with the king. With over 100 items and abilities to collect, every playthrough offers new possibilities and challenges, keeping players engaged and eager to explore.

Buck CEO Statement

Buck CEO Emily Rickard expresses gratitude for the support and excitement surrounding Let’s! Revolution! as it makes its debut on the Nintendo Switch. With the game’s release on a new platform, Buck aims to reach even more players and communities, inviting Minesweeper enthusiasts and turn-based strategists alike to join the revolution.

Pricing and Availability

Let’s! Revolution! will be available for purchase on the Switch eShop for $19.99, offering players an affordable entry into this colorful adventure. Mark your calendars for April 11, 2024, and prepare to embark on an epic journey filled with challenges, camaraderie, and excitement.


Let’s! Revolution! invites players to embark on a thrilling adventure on the Nintendo Switch, where strategic gameplay and hand-drawn animation come together to create an unforgettable experience. With its colorful world, diverse characters, and engaging mechanics, Let’s! Revolution! promises to captivate players and immerse them in a world of adventure and excitement.

  • 1. What genre is Let’s! Revolution!?
    • Let’s! Revolution! falls into the roguelite puzzle genre, blending strategic gameplay with maze-like puzzles and hand-drawn animation.
  • 2. How many characters are playable in the game?
    • Players can choose from six unique characters, each with their own tactical role and abilities, offering a variety of playstyles and strategies.
  • 3. Can you customize character abilities?
    • While character abilities are predefined, players can experiment with different combinations of characters and abilities to discover new strategies and approaches to challenges.
  • 4. Is Let’s! Revolution! a single-player or multiplayer game?
    • Let’s! Revolution! is primarily a single-player experience, offering players the chance to embark on a solo adventure filled with challenges and excitement.
  • 5. What inspired Buck to create Let’s! Revolution!?
    • Let’s! Revolution! was inspired by a desire to create a colorful and engaging experience that combines strategic gameplay with hand-drawn animation, appealing to players of all ages and skill levels.