Limited Run Games – Redemption Reapers – Physical Release

Limited Run Games – Redemption Reapers – Physical Release


Welcome to the dark and immersive world of Redemption Reapers, a strategic simulation game that will take you on a desperate journey. Limited Run Games has exciting news for fans—the physical edition of Redemption Reapers for the Nintendo Switch is in the works. In this captivating dark fantasy adventure, you will lead the Ashen Hawk Brigade in their valiant struggle against the menacing Mort legions.

Descend into a world plagued by destruction and despair as the Mort armies ravage nations, leaving humanity on the brink of annihilation. In the face of overwhelming terror, the Ashen Hawk Brigade emerges as a glimmer of hope. Once known as the Faithless Reapers and despised by the masses, this cunning band specializes in surprise attacks. Little did the public know that they would become humanity’s last defense against the Mort.

Limited Run Games will be opening pre-orders for the physical version of Redemption Reapers on June 13. Don’t miss your chance to embark on this intense and brutal adventure, where victory is uncertain and everything hangs in the balance. Join the Ashen Hawk Brigade, rise up against the Mort, and let redemption be your guiding light.

Redemption Reapers – Physical Release

The realm of gaming is about to witness the arrival of a captivating dark fantasy simulation game for the Nintendo Switch—Redemption Reapers. Developed by a talented team and brought to you by Limited Run Games, this highly anticipated title offers an immersive experience that will transport you to a world on the brink of destruction. Get ready to embark on a desperate struggle against the menacing Mort legions as you lead the Ashen Hawk Brigade to victory.

Story and Setting

In the desolate realm of Redemption Reapers, the Mort armies descend upon the world, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. Nations crumble, and humanity stands on the precipice of annihilation. Amidst the despair, a glimmer of hope emerges—the Ashen Hawk Brigade. Once known as the Faithless Reapers and despised by the masses, this cunning band of warriors specializes in surprise attacks. Unbeknownst to the public, they are humanity’s last defense against the Mort onslaught.

Gameplay Mechanics

Redemption Reapers combines elements of strategy and simulation to create a unique gaming experience. As the leader of the Ashen Hawk Brigade, you must carefully plan your every move to outsmart the Mort forces. Resources are limited, including weapons and recovery items, so you must manage them wisely. Upgrade your arsenal, fuse items for greater power, and equip accessories that enhance your abilities.

The Ashen Hawk Brigade

Meet the brave members of the Ashen Hawk Brigade, each with their own unique skills and backgrounds. Dive into their personal stories, filled with heartbreak and loss, as you unravel the depths of their motivations. Formulate strategies by leveraging their individual strengths and coordinating attacks between members with complementary skills. Unite as a team to overcome powerful adversaries and pave the way for victory.

Desperate Struggle Against the Mort

Navigate through strategy maps that depict a world in decay, ravaged by the terrifying Mort monstrosities. Engage in intense battles where every decision matters. Coordinate attacks, exploit enemy weaknesses, and unleash devastating combos to secure victory against seemingly insurmountable odds. Experience the thrill of triumph as you guide the Ashen Hawk Brigade closer to their ultimate goal.

Captivating Storytelling and Cutscenes

Immerse yourself in a world brought to life through rich storytelling and fully voiced cutscenes. Witness the harrowing journey of the Ashen Hawk Brigade as they confront their inner demons and confront the omnipotent Mort forces. Explore the depths of the medieval world, captivated by the intricate narrative and compelling character interactions. Brace yourself for an emotional rollercoaster as the story unfolds.

Pre-Orders and Availability

Limited Run Games understands the anticipation surrounding the physical edition of Redemption Reapers for the Nintendo Switch. Pre-orders for this highly sought-after release will be available starting on June 13. Don’t miss the opportunity to secure your copy and join the ranks of those who will venture into this dark and enthralling world.


Redemption Reapers is not merely a game; it’s an immersive journey into a dark fantasy realm where survival depends on your strategic prowess and the bonds forged between the members of the Ashen Hawk Brigade. Limited Run Games has meticulously crafted this title to offer an unforgettable gaming experience filled with captivating storytelling, strategic gameplay, and memorable characters.

Prepare to face the overwhelming might of the Mort legions, make crucial decisions in a world plagued by despair, and rise above the odds to achieve redemption. Are you ready to embark on this epic quest? The fate of humanity rests in your hands.

  • Q1: Can I play Redemption Reapers on platforms other than the Nintendo Switch?
    • A1: As of now, Redemption Reapers is exclusively available for the Nintendo Switch platform.
  • Q2: Are there different difficulty levels available in Redemption Reapers?
    • A2: Yes, Redemption Reapers offers multiple difficulty levels to cater to different players’ preferences and skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned strategist or a newcomer to the genre, you can adjust the game’s difficulty to suit your desired level of challenge.
  • Q3: Can I customize the appearance and abilities of the Ashen Hawk Brigade members?
    • A3: While Redemption Reapers primarily focuses on strategic gameplay and storytelling, there are customization options available for the Ashen Hawk Brigade. You can unlock and equip various accessories that enhance their abilities and provide a unique visual flair.
  • Q4: Does Redemption Reapers feature multiplayer or cooperative gameplay?
    • A4: Redemption Reapers is a single-player experience that immerses you in a personal journey with the Ashen Hawk Brigade. While multiplayer or cooperative modes are not included, you can share your experiences and strategies with fellow players through online communities and forums.
  • Q5: Is there replayability in Redemption Reapers?
    • A5: Absolutely! Redemption Reapers offers high replayability with its deep strategic gameplay and branching narrative paths. Your choices and actions throughout the game will have consequences, leading to different outcomes and story arcs. Multiple playthroughs will unveil new insights and hidden secrets, making each experience unique.
  • Q6: Will there be post-launch updates or DLC for Redemption Reapers?
    • A6: Limited Run Games and the development team behind Redemption Reapers are committed to delivering an exceptional gaming experience. While specific details about post-launch updates or DLC have not been disclosed at this time, they are constantly exploring ways to enhance the game and provide additional content.