Minecraft Legends Update Version 1.17.50310: Improved Gameplay and Exciting Features

Minecraft Legends Update Version 1.17.50310: Improved Gameplay and Exciting Features


The latest update for Minecraft Legends, version 1.17.50310, introduces significant improvements and exciting features.

Enhanced PvP communication tools, such as updated world map markers and structure placement, boost teamwork. Custom Campaign and Custom Versus modes empower players to personalize their gaming experience. Gameplay mechanics have been refined, including improved mob pathfinding and creeper behavior. Players also benefit from reduced fall damage and faster structure upgrades. Combat has been revamped for more dynamic gameplay, and the user interface has been enhanced for better navigation. Overall, this update enhances gameplay, communication, and customization, solidifying Minecraft Legends as an engaging and immersive experience.

Minecraft Legends Update Version 1.17.50310

The world of Minecraft Legends has just received a remarkable transformation with the highly anticipated update version 1.17.50310. This update brings a host of improvements and new features that cater to players’ preferences and enhance their gaming experience. From revamped PvP communication to custom game options, this update is a testament to the developers’ commitment to player satisfaction. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of the new update and explore its exciting features.

Improved PvP Communication Tools

One of the standout features of the update is the enhanced PvP communication tools. Players can now effectively strategize and coordinate their actions with the help of various communication improvements.

Updated World Map Markers

The types of available world map markers have been expanded, providing players with more descriptive ways to communicate. The four marker types include:

– Attack

– Defend

– Gather

– Default

These markers can be cycled through on the Map screen, allowing for better coordination among teammates.

Updated Structure Placement

A new UI feature has been introduced when placing structures. Players can now communicate important phrases to their teammates, such as intentions to build structures or responses to teammate requests. This facilitates smoother gameplay and better team dynamics.

Lobby Roles

To enhance teamwork, players can now choose from different preset roles that convey their intended playstyle. While these roles don’t impact gameplay, they allow players to communicate their strategies and intentions effectively. The roles include Builder, Explorer, Fighter, Piglin Hunter, and Flexible.

Custom Game Options

The update introduces Custom Campaign and Custom Versus modes, giving players the freedom to customize their gaming experience extensively.

Custom Campaign Mode

Players can skip the tutorial and prologue and jump directly into the main campaign during the piglin invasion. Customization options include altering settings for world size, resources, player characteristics, and more. These settings can be modified between saves, offering flexibility in gameplay.

Custom Versus Mode

In private versus matches, players can now customize various aspects of the game, such as world size, resources, player tools, piglin attributes, and more. This mode encourages experimentation and creativity, allowing players to craft their ideal match experience

Auto Lure and Mob Refund

The update introduces gameplay enhancements that contribute to a more dynamic and strategic gaming environment.

Auto Lure

A new gameplay option, “Auto Lure,” automatically makes mobs follow players after being spawned. This feature can be enabled in settings, providing players with greater control over mob movement.

Mob Refund

Players now have the ability to refund lured mobs at any player-built mob spawner. This allows players to replace mobs in their spawned army, providing more tactical flexibility and resource management.

Structure Health Bars and Pet Animals

The update enhances visual feedback and interaction with the game world.

Structure Health Bars

Both player and Piglin structure health bars are now visible in Banner View and when using the Redstone Launcher. This enhancement aids players in monitoring the health of their structures, enabling more informed decision-making.

Pet Animals

A heartwarming addition to the game, players can now pet animals by holding the “Pet Animal” button. This small interaction adds a touch of realism and connection to the virtual world.

General Game Improvements

The update addresses various gameplay mechanics and player experience, resulting in a smoother and more enjoyable gaming journey.

Improved Mob Pathfinding

Mobs now exhibit improved behavior around ledges and cliffs, reducing instances of accidental falls or getting lost. This enhancement enhances gameplay and makes mob interactions more predictable.

Improved Creeper Behavior

Creepers now detonate more reliably on their assigned target when given orders by the player. This change ensures that players’ strategic decisions have a more consistent impact on gameplay.

Improved Visibility of Resources

Rare resource deposits now occasionally glow or gleam, making them easier to spot while navigating the game world. This enhancement improves resource collection efficiency.

Player Empowerment Improvements

The update introduces changes that empower players and streamline certain gameplay aspects.

Reduced Fall Damage

Players and their mounts now fall a greater distance before taking fall damage. This adjustment reduces the frequency of fall-related deaths, providing a smoother and less frustrating gaming experience.

Speedy Mason

The time interval between structure upgrades by the Stone Mason has been reduced. While structures don’t upgrade faster, the reduced interval enhances gameplay flow.

Mob Combat Enhancement

Player mobs and piglin units now exhibit updated combat effectiveness. Each unit’s uniqueness and battlefield roles have been enhanced, promoting strategic decision-making and diverse gameplay.

Banner View and Versus Mode Accolades

The update brings improvements to the Banner View feature and introduces new accolades for the Versus mode.

Banner View Improvements

The banner view visuals have been updated to provide players with a more accurate representation of mob paths. This change enhances players’ understanding of mob movement and improves strategic planning.

Versus Mode Accolades

Three new accolades have been introduced to reward players in the Versus mode. These accolades recognize achievements such as collecting Prismarine, building walls, and defeating piglins. These accolades encourage players to excel in different aspects of the game.

User Interface Improvements

The update enhances the user interface with various improvements.

Menus & Flows

New welcome messages now appear after applying patches, providing players with information about new content. Additionally, menus and options for setting up Custom Games have been introduced, offering players greater control over their game experience.

HUD Enhancements

Icons on the compass now have improved visibility, making it easier for players to track objectives and navigate the game world. A large arrow indicates the direction of the flashing icon, aiding players in finding locations.

Other Fixes and Improvements

The update includes various bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience.


The Minecraft Legends update version 1.17.50310 has ushered in a new era of enhanced gameplay, communication, and customization. From improved PvP communication tools to exciting custom game options, players are in for a treat with the host of new features and enhancements. The update demonstrates the developers’ commitment to creating a dynamic and engaging gaming experience for Minecraft enthusiasts.

  • 1. Can I customize my gameplay experience in the new update?
    • Absolutely! The update introduces Custom Campaign and Custom Versus modes, allowing you to customize various settings and aspects of the game to suit your preferences.
  • 2. How does the “Auto Lure” feature work?
    • The “Auto Lure” feature makes mobs automatically follow the player after being spawned. This can be enabled in settings and offers greater control over mob movement.
  • 3. What are the new accolades in Versus mode?
    • Three new accolades have been introduced: Prismarine Pillager, Fantastic Fortifier, and Runts’ Worst Nightmare. These accolades recognize players’ achievements in collecting Prismarine, building walls, and defeating piglins.
  • 4. How have structure health bars been improved?
    • Both player and Piglin structure health bars are now visible in Banner View and when using the Redstone Launcher. This enhancement aids players in monitoring structure health and making informed decisions.
  • 5. What improvements have been made to mob combat?
    • Player mobs and piglin units now have updated combat effectiveness, with each unit having more unique roles on the battlefield. This encourages players to strategize and choose the right mobs for specific situations.