Minecraft’s Loading Bug – How, why and fixing it

Minecraft’s Loading Bug – How, why and fixing it

A recent Minecraft update has introduced a bug that primarily affects Nintendo Switch players, but has also been reported on Xbox and Playstation consoles.

This bug prevents players from loading into their games, leaving them stuck on a loading screen displaying a dreaded “66%”. Although no consistent fix has been identified, some workarounds have been discovered by players. The Minecraft team is aware of the issue and is presumably working on a solution. Stay tuned for updates on this developing situation.

The Loading bug

Minecraft’s recent update introduced an unexpected bug that has been causing issues for players across multiple platforms. The bug prevents players from loading into their games, leaving them stuck on a loading screen displaying a dreaded “66%”. This issue primarily affects Nintendo Switch players but has also been reported on Xbox and Playstation consoles.

Causes and Effects

The exact cause of the 66% loading bug is still unknown. However, it is speculated that it may be related to the recent update and some changes in the game’s code. The bug significantly impacts the gameplay experience, as players are unable to access their worlds and continue playing.

Workarounds and Solutions

While there is no consistent fix for the 66% loading bug, players have discovered several workarounds. These include restarting the game multiple times, clearing the console’s cache, and reinstalling the game. However, these workarounds may not work for everyone, and players are eagerly awaiting an official fix from the Minecraft team.

The Minecraft team has acknowledged the issue and is presumably working on a solution. As of now, no official fix has been released, but players are encouraged to keep an eye on the Minecraft Jira board and the game’s official social media channels for updates.

Preventing Future Bugs

To prevent future bugs like the 66% loading issue, it is essential for game developers to follow best practices when releasing updates. This includes thorough testing, engaging with the community for feedback, and addressing reported issues promptly.

The Minecraft community plays a crucial role in identifying and reporting bugs. Players should continue to provide feedback and report issues on platforms like the Minecraft Jira board to help the development team resolve problems quickly and maintain a smooth gameplay experience.

Community Support and Assistance

As players continue to experience the 66% loading bug, many have turned to online forums, social media, and the Minecraft community for support and assistance. By sharing their experiences, tips, and workarounds, players are helping each other find ways to navigate this frustrating issue.

A supportive community is essential for the ongoing success and enjoyment of any game, including Minecraft. In times of game-related issues, players can lean on each other to find solutions and maintain a positive gaming experience.

Keeping Your Game Updated and Secure

To minimize the risk of encountering bugs and other issues, it is crucial for players to keep their Minecraft game updated with the latest patches and fixes. Regular updates not only address existing problems but also introduce new features and improvements to the game.

In addition, players should ensure that their game data is regularly backed up. This helps protect worlds and game progress from potential data loss due to bugs, crashes, or other unforeseen issues.

Looking Forward: Future Updates and Bug Fixes

As the Minecraft team works to address the 66% loading bug, players can look forward to future updates that will not only fix this issue but also continue to improve the overall gaming experience. It is essential for players to have patience and understanding as developers work to resolve problems and deliver quality updates.

In the meantime, players can focus on sharing workarounds, providing feedback, and maintaining a positive attitude within the Minecraft community. By working together and supporting each other, players can continue to enjoy the game despite the challenges presented by bugs and other issues.


The 66% loading bug in Minecraft is a frustrating issue that affects players across Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and Playstation platforms. While no consistent fix has been identified, players have discovered several workarounds that may help. The Minecraft team is aware of the bug and is working on a solution. In the meantime, players should keep an eye on official channels for updates and continue providing feedback to help prevent future issues.

  • What platforms are affected by the Minecraft 66% loading bug?
    • The bug primarily affects Nintendo Switch players, but has also been reported on Xbox and Playstation consoles.
  • What causes the 66% loading bug in Minecraft?
    • The exact cause is unknown, but it is speculated to be related to the recent game update and changes in the game’s code.
  • Are there any workarounds for the 66% loading bug?
    • Some players have found success with workarounds like restarting the game, clearing the console’s cache, or reinstalling the game, but these may not work for everyone.
  • Is the Minecraft team aware of the 66% loading bug?
    • Yes, the Minecraft team is aware of the issue and is presumably working on a fix.
  • How can I stay updated on the progress of a fix for the 66% loading bug?
    • Keep an eye on the Minecraft Jira board and the game’s official social media channels for updates on the situation.