Over 650,000 Units in Germany, a new record!

Over 650,000 Units in Germany, a new record!

The Nintendo Switch has been performing magnificently worldwide. That is no secret to no one. We’ve had numbers from various different countries where it’s been breaking records.

Nintendo Germany has announced recently that the Nintendo Switch has sold over 650,000 units and has set a new record for first year sales which was previously held by the Nintendo Wii back in 2006.

Hybrid for the win

Yes the Nintendo Switch is doing wonderful and is breaking records left and right but it’s just not a hype like you see every now and again. From our point of view it has all to do with the hybrid fact of the Nintendo Switch. Being able to play your game everywhere and anytime is just so incredible powerful. And it opens so many possibilities when it comes to older gamers who have to time manage … and thanks to the Nintendo Switch can actually pick up gaming again.

So once again we salute you Nintendo Switch, keep breaking them records all around the globe!